
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Thankful Thursday

Wecome to Thankful Thursday do you have a thankful list? 

Here's mine . . . (btw I never really put them in a specific order just kind of randomly type them.  But today I am starting with a silly one.  Even though it seems silly it is at
the top of my list today.)

#1 As I think about how to write this I realize it isn't so silly because it really is God's provision so that isn't silly.
. . . What I am thankful for is I got a new mop yesterday.  For free.  See I told you God provides.  I was thinking on Tuesday that I really need a mop.  I have one in storage but can't get to it.  And I really need to mop the floor.  And I didn't have money to buy one especially since I have one in storage.  I went over to my mothers yesterday and guess what she gave me.  A brand new used once sponge mop.  I didn't even ask for one.  Or even really pray about it. I was just thinking I really need one.  But you see God and I have this thing bout moping floors.  (I'll tell you about that another time.)  I am thankful I got a mop.  And, later today I'll be mopping my kitchen)

#2 I am thankful that Cowboy and I have jobs.  I am thankful that he got a raise a few weeks ago.  And I am thankful that his job is really flexible.  He can get extra hours when we need it.  And he can cut back when he is tired or we have ministry obligations.  I am thankful God provides provision for us.  I am thankful that I can work too.  I can't get as many hours (same company)  but I get a few.  It is flexible enough that I have time to look for something with more hours and more pay. 

#3 I am thankful  for my sweet little "cottage" apartment.  I am planning a whole post on why I am so thankful and love where I live

#4 And last but not really last.  I am thankful for my drama team.  Last night we had rehearsal.  My group of boys is great sometimes it is a struggle when they act like they are '2'  (they are 16,17 & 18)  But they sing for Jesus and they make me smile.    Thank you God for allowing me the chance to work with these guys this way!

Isn't it a great day to be thankful? 

And a great day to memorize God's word. 
Here's the verse I am still working on this week.  I don't feel like I know it any better today than I did on Monday. But I  am beginning to understand it.   The message of these verses is penetrating my spirit.  Now to get it into my brain!

I have given them the glory that you gave me. 
May they be brought to compete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.
John 17:22 and 23

On a Thankful Journey,


  1. I have a thing about clean floors too..... :-) Glad you got a new mop!

  2. Wonderful list of thanks today. I would also be shouting over a new mop...I am ocd about cleaning so something FREE to clean with would be so awesome! Thanks for sharing with us today over at TT! :)

  3. Proof that God cares about even the smallest things... How wonderful!

  4. I enjoyed your post. It is nice to meet you here!

    God is so good to care for us and provide for us. Your mop story made me think of a time when my Mom was making a fruit salad around the holidays and didn't have a banana. Unexpectedly some boys from my class brought a fruit basket. :)

    God is so good!


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