
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy July 4th!  Welcome to my Patriotic Edition!

If your a regular follower you know that I have been away from blogging for awhile.  It actually seemed like an eternity! 

And, while I was away blogger changed things up.  And, I am not happy.  I wonder how many of you have it all figured out yet.  And have decided you like their changes?  Well not me! At least not yet. 

I know I'll get used to it but dawng it I just had the last way figured out!  

And since I have been gone so long I figured this was the perfect time to clean things up around here and make everything pretty again. 

While I've been away I have been thinking about This Journey of blogging that I am on.  And, I have been thinking about where The Journey is going.  Or more importantly where I feel like I want to take it. 

So, over the next little while you'll see some changes.  

I hope you'll come by regularly and, leave me a comment. 

Oh btw the first change I am making (if I can figured it out LOL) I am taking the comment moderation off! 

Cowboy and I are planning a very uneventful day today.  We are laying around the house.  At least for the morning.  Then I am off to lunch with our daughter our grandson and my mother.  And I am bringing the grandson back home with me for our regular Wednesday sleep over. 

Enjoy  your day!


  1. Hope you all have a happy 4th, Sherry! I'm not real happy with the new blogger either, but I'm trying to get used to it. :)


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