
Friday, January 6, 2012

Daily Bible Reading . . . Do you?

Last week I began  Read On . . .the Read through the Bible in 2012 challenge.  I invited you to join me in Reading through the Bible in 2012.  

Today I am writing to those of you out there that just can't commit.  Those of you that struggle even to find time to read a novel.  Or maybe even go to the bathroom alone.  

I really do remember those days with toddlers.  How you just 'live' for nap time so you can have some 'Me' time.  And, then the pre-school days and early elementary when your running kids to soccer or ballet or church activities.  

I remember the days when I picked up my Bible on Sunday morning.  Never to pick it up again until the next Sunday.  And, honestly I have to admit those days aren't only long ago.  There were more days in 2011 that I didn't pick up my Bible than I care to admit.  

It happens to all of us.  We all go through times when we're just too busy.   At least we 'feel' too busy.   Because I would venture to guess that if we just opened our heart to God and sat down and took a minute or two and just opened His Word that in that few minutes of time the stress and challenge of the day would seem to not be so big. 

And so, dear sweet friends.  I am asking you.  I am inviting you to a party.  A party of like minded friends.  Join us in Reading your Bible everyday in 2012.  I am not asking or challenging you to read the entire Bible.  (Although that is what I am trying to do.)

  But I am challenging you to just read it.  And honestly this might be an easier challenge for me. 

  If you struggle with 'finding time' I ask you to join us.  Please email, or send a text or leave a comment on any one of my Bible posts.  Also, sign up to get my posts by email.  I will pray for you everyday.  I will encourage you to  Read On everyday. 

To get you started here's a couple of suggestions . . .

Find a quiet place . . . or not . . .
No quiet time in your life.  This is something I have wanted to do with my 3 year old grandson.  To spend time with your toddler reading God's word will build a foundation.  He/she won't understand but their little hearts will be filled.  They will love just hearing your voice.  And, they will love just snuggling with you for a few minutes. 

Or how about . . .

Phones, Ipods and Kindles wow.  You can read anywhere.  Just think of the possibilities.  Even while the kids are at practise, or waiting in line to pick them up at school.  Or even at work.  But only on break! LOL.    Or here's one of my favorite places  . . .

Beside the water.  Is there a lovely fountain near your office?  Or in my case a walk down the road to the lake.  I love living by the water.  It is quiet and peaceful. 

So here's the challenge, the invite . . . just read what you can todayJust read what you can tomorrow.  Don't set yourself up for failure.  Just read a little.  Maybe today it is one verse, maybe two.  Maybe tomorrow it is three.  Maybe the next day it is only one verse again.  Just whatever you can manage just work it in. 

I am praying for you.  And, please pray for me.  Because I need encouragement too.  Let's encourage each other to Read On . . . Reading along the Journey, 


  1. I pray for you and I am so excited yet I missed 2 days bible reading. I feel so guilty. I was exhausted but I know that's not a reason. I have to commit and back to the track again. I encourage you, Sherry. Let's read on!


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