
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Thoghts on Halloween . . . What are yours?

I know a lot of people have very definite opinions about Halloween and actually of lot of things.  But let's talk about Halloween. 

Here's my thought. And, please forgive me if you have a different opinion than mine. 

I think that the simpleness of little kids dressing up in simple costumes and getting to go to parties and fairs and carnivals is O.K.

I miss trick or treating.  Although I never got much candy because there weren't many people in our neighborhood even back in the 60's that still opened their doors at our knock. 

Fast forwarding.  I know that Halloween has taken a huge turn from the simpleness of the 60's.  I dislike all the scary stuff.  I dislike haunted houses.  

Anyway just a few thoughts.  I had to share because I have someone in my house that loves the dressing up part and going to see her friends. 

Here's a couple of photo's . . .

I did explain to her about the dangers . . .

We just decided to stay home and chew on a new rawhide bone!

1 comment:

  1. My thoughts on the subject...
    I don't like Halloween and I can't wait until it's over! I know, strong words, but this event comes with a lot of history.
    Should Christians research it, they wouldn't be so gung ho to take part in it. Everything about it goes against what we are taught in the Word of God.
    Our own children never dressed up. We {Hubby and I} organized a family night every year with other families of like-mindedness and we took the kids bowling and then went back to the church for an evening of games and treats. It was always a big hit and the little ones loved it!
    Now that my kids are grown, they tell me they never felt like they missed out on anything.
    I think it's important for believers to take a stand against that which is evil.
    We are only accountable for what we know and once we know the truth about Halloween, we need to do what is right. God will bless us for it. Wishing you a delightful day.



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