
Monday, October 10, 2011

My I Need A Vacation...Blue Monday

I would really love a vacation and so today I am takin' one . . .
Come and join me!

So first things first . . .

I set my alarm.   Then, I got dressed and;

Put on some great walkin' shoes.  Everyone knows you gotta have great walkin' shoes. 

And then the most amazing thing happened! 

Cowboy wanted to go so.  A second Honey Moon he called!  How can a woman refuse!

Sorry to say my dear sweet friends. You are 'univited'  at least for this trip.  Please don't be mad. 

Ohhhhh....It was such a fun trip.....

We found the cutests little trailer right on the beach.  And after a little food and a little ______ we decided to do some exploring. 

And so we set sail. . .

And sailed off into the sunset under a Blue sky

I really am sorry I had to 'univite' you but if you are really lonely and need something fun to do today.  Go over and visit Sally for more fun Blue Monday!  Click here


  1. What a great idea!

    Happy Blue Monday to you!

  2. A perfect way to spend blue Monday or any other day.

  3. A second honeymoon?
    Holymoses! Hope you're having a wonderful time. ;)
    Great Blue monday post!

  4. Lovely blues!

    Please come and see my Birthday Blues, have a great week!

  5. Lovely blues!

    Please come and see my Birthday Blues, have a great week!


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