
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

It'll Leave A Mark

 Yep when you get thrown under the bus it will leave a mark.  This isn't the post I intended today. 
But, because I need to ask for a little  LOT of  Prayer I decided to share a little of what happened yesterday.

Before I share the story first let me share part of a verse that I clung to.  Because I couldn't remember the entire verse...
The angel of the Lord encamps around me!
Even though I was not able to remember the entire verse I am confident that my father brought those few words to mind.  

I am grateful that not only did he bring that verse to mind he helped me to not go crazy and say wrong things.  He helped me to hold my tongue and not respond to threats.  Although I did post on facebook that a 'witch hunt' has begun.    God did indeed send a couple of angels to my rescue in the form of a couple of old time friends. 

They responded because the second part of my facebook post mentioned that it hurts when someone you've trusted and thought was your friend not only doesn't stand up for you but joins with others that are 'out to get you'. 

Yesterday some people that are associated with an organization that we belong to and collaborate with in ministry set out to do some major damage to our ministry.    We are a very small ministry and typically we have very few visits to our website.  Yesterday there were over 68 visits within a 2 hour period.  

Two things really hurt in all this . . .

The first thing that hurt was that a college that we thought was our friend had the power to diffuse the situation and chose not to.  And in fact joined in the attack without getting any details.

Secondly last week we managed to change our website over to blogspot and we were able to maintain our .org name.  This was a major Praise for us.  Last week I was so happy posting and uploading photo's.  We have not been able to make changes for over 2 years to our website! So you can imagine the Joy I felt. 

But, now I have had to take the site down because now it has to have approval from our State to allow me to 'say' certain things and to post photo's of kids.  Which by the way I already have signed releases but those releases are being questioned now. 

So, my day yesterday did in fact turn out to be rather Blue even though I didn't get to publish my Blue Monday post.  It is posted now. (check the post below this one)

Even though I was sad and frustrated and a little angry I was confident that the main reason that all this happened was/is because we are right where God wants us to be.  We are doing exactly what God wants us to do . 

We may make mistakes.  We may make wrong decisions but by daily asking God to Search me.  O God. Know my anxious heart.  See if there is any offensive way in me/us.  And lead us/me in the way everlasting.  Psalm 139:12. 

There are many days we will be attacked.  As individuals and as servants but it is how we react to those attacks that is the challenge.    I pray that yesterday that God was pleased with the way that I responded.  

I have learned that God shows me daily that he is there to 'watch my back'.  Because some days it really feels like he is the only one. 

If you ever feel that way I hope that you will turn to God.  I hope you will realize that he is there and he will send his angels to encamp around you and fight off the evil one that is seeking to do destroy you. 

Here are a few other verses that help me   . . .

The Lord is my light and my salvation-whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the stronghold of my life - of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1

Praise be to the Lord, for he has heard my cry for mercy.
The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him,
and I am helped.
My heart leaps for Joy and I will give thanks to him in song.
Psalm 28:6-7 

Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. 
Psalm 3:73

Today my pray for you is that you trust in God.  That you feel safe with him.  And that you realize that if you ask he'll send an angel to encamp around you and protect you.  That angel may be an 'old'

And if you have a chance would you pray for our ministry.  Please pray that the approvals that we need to be able network and tell others about are work are received quickly.  Please pray that God provides all that is needed. 

Thank you Father God for sending angels along on The Journey

1 comment:

  1. Sweet one, I am so very sorry to hear this. But you just keep on holding tightly to Jesus, never let go. I will definitely be praying for you. Friends come, and they go. But Jesus never leaves us. I love you.


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