
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I give up....I won't even try....

...I know I am sorry it sounds a little anonmyous doesn't it. 
But after trying repeated yesterday and today to upload photo's I give up.
I have thrown in the towel.  I have done all those other cliques I can't think of any right now but maybe you can...

But I do have a precious word from God to share with you. 
And maybe as you read you can close your eyes and drink in His Glory and His Magesty and pretend there are pretty photo's here.

I hope that even though I can't add any photo's that at least I can share a few words of encouragement. 

Today in our morning study I read these words . . .
I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. John 16:33”

I don't know about you but today I am looking for peace.  Peace from the crazy wind.  I keep telling Daisy (my dog) they lied when we moved to N.  I think it is  Kansas.  And, we even had a dog show up on the porch yesterday morning!  I had to tell Daisy over and over it wasn't Toto!
Yes we have another family member.  Did I get to tell you about our recent?  Well when you have a chance check out  Isn't that the coolest name?  Hope Inn Christ is an aftercare home for boys leaving incarceration.  Right there are two boys but next week our third will arrive and then in a couple of weeks a couple more.  We will have 7 by summer!

Hope Inn Christ is a beautiful 17 acre property that used be a horse ranch years ago (dang it) but there are still some bare bones and in the next few months we'll have fences repaired and horses will be coming. 

But for now we are all just getting used to living, working, praying, learning and studying together.  I wrote on facebook a couple of days ago it is like living at church camp.  I think it is the single best experience that I have every had and I am Blessed and Grateful God chose us to be here!

So my friends in a huge nutshell that is what is going.  That and the fact that dsl doesn't work.  And we have spent two weeks trying to get it fixed. 

But, I have a plan to 'out fox' the blasted thing.  When I go to the office tomorrow I'll just upload my photo's.  Slick huh.  I suppose I could go check out one those new fangled wifi places too.  Maybe I'll try that next week. 

So until I get this internet thing fixed I'll at least be writing hopefully some uplifting words.  I really hope you'll start coming by again. 
In fact I really need you to because I think some of my review people are going to fire me.  So help a girl out and visit and leave comments.  They are checking them! 

Ya'll have a wonderful evening and visit Wordfilled Wednesday for some beautiful photo illustrations of God's word. (not here! Bummer) 

Thanks for visiting and remember . . . take heart He has overcome the world!

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