
Friday, March 18, 2011

A Conversation with God --Book Review

I know you'll agree...this book is pretty.  The cover is speaks spring to me.  It doesn't stop at the cover the pages are actually pretty. 
Because it is so pretty I would have to recommend this book as a gift.
But is much more than just pretty.  It is is a heart to heart talk with God . . .
From the back cover:
A Conversation with God  for Women was created because your heart longs to know, "Why God?"  It's time now to find the answers you've been seeking about the past, the present and the future.  The answers to 55 of life's greatest questions come straight from the Bible,  written in the form of engaging conversations with God, Jesus, and Bible women who offer a female perspective how God especially impacts the lives of women. 

A few questions included in the book:
 A question to God: How are we made in your image?   
 A question to Jesus: Did you experience human emotions on earth?
 A question about the Bible: Did all the miracles really happen?
 A question about Life: Jesus, What does following you involve?
 A question about Prayer: Do you hear everybody's prayers?
 A question about Relationships?  What's so bad about gossip?
 A question about Good and Evil?  Are all sins the same with you?

I liked the way the book was put together.  Each chapter begins with a scripture.   Then it begins with a topic or statement followed by specific questions.  The answers are written as if God is actually having a conversation with the reader.  There isn't a lot of specific scripture mentioned during the dialogue but there are footnotes that take you to the notes section at the end of the book.  The notes support the text with the approprite scripture.  

There are 55 different questions covered in 257 pages.  Followed by over 50 pages of notes.  

I would recommend this book for anyone.  I plan to use it is a Bible study guide for the youth that I work with.  Men and women alike would enjoy this book.  The men will just have to overlook how pretty it is! 

One other thing that got my attention about the book.  And I wanted to commend the publicist and the authors choice not include endorsements.  It was refreshing to read a book that is able to stand on it's own with other peoples endorsements.

I checked to see where it is available.  You can purchase on-line at Amazon, Target.
and at a new place I haven't heard of  Deep Discount (dot) com. 

This book was provided to me for review by Booksneeze.  I was not required to write a positive review. 

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