
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Wordfilled Wednesday

I did this one in red today as these are the words of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ from Matthew 22:37.
I happen to be writing this post very, very early on Wednesday. According to my computer clock it is 12:03 I am not usually up at this hour but tonight I have been spending some time in prayer concerning God's direction.
I have been praying about joining a study called Makeover of the heart. I feel a need to ask God to search my heart. I feel a need to make sure that all I say and do is pleasing to Him. I pray that this and every post is filled with His spirit, His love, and His wisdom.
I pray that when you come here you are Blessed and you feel God's Love.


  1. Something you know He will always meet you to do as you reach out to Him for cleansing and renewal.

  2. Amen, they are wonderful things to embark on in the Lord.

    Lovely picture and scripture...

    God bless you this WFW!

  3. Thanks for sharing such heartfelt sentiments and one of my favorite scriptures. Couldn't help but notice all the great titles you're reviewing.

  4. Reminds me of a song by one of my favorite girl bands. I heard it on the Women of Faith cd.

    Thanks for sharing


  5. Ahhhh yes, sometimes we take the quiet time when we can get it...regardless of the hour!

    Are you doing Tracy Berta's study? It's awesome and it WILL help you makeover your heart!

    Peace to you today!

  6. Love the picture and the verse. Sounds like a wonderful study, and what we truly need, for our hearts to be made Him. Blessings to you.

  7. Thank you for sharing... We should all seek His will for our lives. The Bible study you metioned sounds great - think I will check it on for myself.

    Linda J

  8. Good words! I pray that you make the right decision! It sounds as if you really are seeking to please Him & glorify Him. I know He will answer your prayers!

  9. Beautiful! And this did bless me.....

  10. Beautiful!!
    Joining you on this quest of God searching the heart - showing me His desires with the Makeover of the Heart study!Thanks for sharing WFW with us too!
    Hugs & Prayers, HL

  11. Such a nice post as you reflect on God's Word and His will. Bless you!

  12. What a good verse! And it's oh so necessary to make sure we are walking with Him and not for our own selfish desires. Thanks for sharing today my friend!


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