
Monday, August 11, 2014

Titus 2 Wanna Be

 Many, many years ago I had a yearning a desire to be a part of the Woman's Ministry at our church. That was a difficult time for me because I really, really had a longing to be 'apart' as a leader.  

Alone I was studying about being a mentor and I was praying that God would open a door to use me. When it didn't happen I was frustrated and probably a little hurt. 
 Coffee Cup on a Window Sill
Now all these years later I really don't remember the emotions that I felt at that time. But I think I do have an idea why God didn't answer my prayer. Because you see at that time my children were at home. They were both in elementary school. All these years later I wonder if Gods better plan was for me to devote my time to my family at that time in my life.

Flower Background
In some ways I did devote myself to them but it is always easy for me to get absorbed in other things. It was during that time that I begin quilting. I spent many hours playing with fabric while the kids hung out playing nintendo (yes it was a long time ago) or watched t.v. Don't get me wrong we spent a lot of time together. Our horses at the time were at a rented pasture and so everyday after school we sent straight there and spent the afternoon riding, feeding, cleaning and bedding them down for the night. It was a really pleasant and enjoyable time. It was a time that I wouldn't change for all the money in the world. I firmly believe that the horses played a huge role in keeping my kids 'out of trouble'. By the time we got home every evening it was dinner time and then homework time and bedtime. This went on all through their growing up years. 
Colorful Trees
As I think back I think about the time I spent with God. And, if truth be known if I were to logg those hours it would probably fit into a really small spreadsheet.

As I think back it makes me wonder if unintentionally I was putting my kids and my desires above God. Was I unintentionally making idols out of the things in my life? 
 Rain on the Windows

Is there a possibility that things like my quilting habit, my children's activities and even my church activities were things that got in the way of my relationship with my father? Sadly I probably could answer yes.

I thought of these words . . . Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind,' and 'Love your neighbor as yourself." Luke 10: 27.

Dear sister are you going through a time in your life when your responsibilities are draining you? Are you like me are you eagerly accepting your role as wife and mommy seriously? Are you spending time with your children and securing their future by allowing into your lives things like sports and activities that 'keep them out of trouble'? Like we did with the horses

If you are I commend you. But are you like me are you putting all these things before your relationship with your Father?

Today I urge you to join me in taking some time to sit still and be with the Father. Take some time and just rest and relax and offer Him your heart.

Take some time and . . .

I 'wanna be' a Titus 2 woman. I wanna share my faith and my stories and what I have learned to help you get there before me. At this 'time' in my life I have the time to share myself with you. I have the time to share my faith Journey. And as the older, more mature and maybe a little wiser (at least I hope) I have the time to share with you what I have learned and am learning on my Journey.
Thank you for joining me on My Journey.


  1. Such a nice post, bless you sis.

  2. Thanks for sharing this bit of encouragement. I am in that stage too with time to encourage as my children are now grown.

  3. Lovely post! There is no replacement for time we spend with our children so I think you did exactly what you were supposed to do. As I was reading this I was thinking the Lord surely did answer your prayer according to His will. Have a wonderful week!

  4. I'm a young wife, this is a battle I fight. Preparing for marriage as a young single and now being married, I always carried a suspicion that perhaps a little too much emphasis is on these areas within the Christian culture. I find so much content on being the best wife and mother I can be. But overall, it makes me uncomfortable that there is a lack of emphasis on our relationship with Jesus.
    It's so easy, in pursuing to be a godly wife and mother, to put Jesus in our back pockets. When really, being a wife and mother is subservient and dependent to being a daughter of God, not equal too it.
    It's encouraging to know I'm not the only one who's had this struggle.
    Thanks sister! Keep sharing your thoughts!

  5. Thank you for this poignant post. I think we women often "look" for ministries, when in actuality they are right in front of us. God's word is so clear about being keepers at home, and I believe serving our family is our first and best ministry. Now, as you say, you have time to mentor women, and one way you are doing so is with your blog. Isn't that neat? Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving the very kind, encouraging words. I'm now following you, too. Hugs, Nancy

  6. P.S. Thanks for the video. I love that song and the images with scripture were wonderful.

  7. What a good reminder for us mothers who have children with them at home. That is our ministry! And it looks like you have found yours, in His time... I think what you said about a healthy hobby like horses for your children is true! That is why we have them as well! Good old fashioned fun mixed with responsibility. Great post! Thanks for sharing this on the Art of Home-Making Mondays :)


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