
Monday, September 20, 2010

Mission 4 Monday

Have you begun to think about Christmas? I know it is barely fall but around here we are already making ministry plans. Last year the boys that we work made Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners for local needy families.
Here is a photo of some of the decorating at McFadden Ranch.

I happened to drive in one day and luckily I had the camera! The everygreen they actually cut from the woods surrounding the ranch. I thought that was so cool. The already promised me they would cut some for me to decorate with!

Our ministry is already working on programs for the holidays. A Holiday to Remember is a special program that goes from Oct. through Dec. For many of the youth it is the first time for them to ever have a real holiday experience. For many it is thier first time to hang evergreen or decorate a tree.

The last few Mondays I have been sharing with you my Journey into ministry. And I do have a post today or should I say tonight. So I hope you will come back. And, I have book reviews this week too. It'll be a busy week around the blog.

So are you thinking about the holidays? Maybe as you begin to think about your family traditions and making plans would you think about sharing yourself to someone that might be forgotten.


  1. We've been thinking about Christmas too. Our church is trying to plan something with the kids, but so many of them are older now that it's hard to get them involved.

    Love the photo.


  2. Amen, we need to think of others.


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