
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Book Review--A Despicable Profession


This reader is sorry to have missed book one. A Despicable Profession is Book Two of the American Spy Trilogy. Here's what the editor of Mystery Magazine has to say . . . "Hal Schroeder is destined to join the ranks of classic characters in American fiction." From the author's site . . . "Hal Schroeder, the hero of A Despicable Profession, is only 25 years old. He is not well-seasoned. He is young and cocky enough to think he has all the answers. His immaturity drives the action, as we watch Hal learn the painful lessons that veteran agents like le CarrĂ©’s George Smiley already know. Too many spy novels, in this man’s opinion, are steeped in cynicism, which breeds lethargy. The protagonist does what needs to be done, coolly, professionally. But without passion. Not Hal Schroeder. He thinks he’s a cynical hard guy but his youthful enthusiasm always gets the better of him. Which is usually, but not always, for the best." I had to keep myself from trying to cast actors for the movie version. I'll let you to your own imagination. But this reader would definitely want to see the movie!

A Despicable Profession was an easy and fast read. I enjoyed the book. Not usually a fan of WWII or any war novel's I was pleasantly surprised. And I stayed interested through all 300 pages.

Here's a short synopsis:
May, 1946. America is basking in hard-won peace and prosperity. The OSS has been disbanded, CIA does not yet exist. Rumors swirl about the Red Army massing tanks along the Elbe in East Germany.
Former OSS agent Hal Schroeder gets an offer from Global Commerce LTD to be a trade rep in Berlin. He flies to New York to meet his new boss. Hal’s jaw drops when former OSS Chief Wild Bill Donovan strides in. Schroeder, who survived perilous duty behind German lines, says he is no longer interested in being a spy. General Donovan assures him that’s not part of his job description.Hal comes to doubt that when he meets his immediate superior in Berlin. It’s Victor Jacobson, the case officer who sent him on repeated suicide missions in WWII.

You can purchase on-line at Amazon or Barnes and Noble. This book was published by Blue Steel Press. You can visit there for more info. and to read an excerpt.

This book was provided for review by Pump Up Your books.

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