
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Wordfilled Wednesday

Thanks for joining me for Wordfilled Wednesday. Today I am taking a poll because I am really having trouble with Picasa. And, I really love WFW would you guess please leave a comment and let me know what FREE photo edit program you use! Please pretty please!

Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is praiseworthythink about such things. Philippians 4:8
Join Amy for Wordfilled Wednesday
Photo compliments of Kim
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  1. That is the best use of that word.
    Thank you for dropping by my blog. I came to see you and sign up for following your blog. Its lovely I read some of your previous posts, can wait to hear more. I want to share Gods message too.

  2. This is my favorite Scripture & saying! Thanks so much for sharing WFW with us!
    Hugs, HL

  3. What a great way to use that word sign. I love it.

    In answer to your poll, I use GIMP, a free download. I haven't done too much, but it looks like it does a lot. Hope that helps!

  4. This is my all time favorite verse

  5. Amen! I love it! May we focus our thoughts at all times.

    Thanks for coming by to check on me. Take care my friend!

  6. I LOVE this! I knew what scripture you would refer to, as soon as I saw your pic! Very clever pic and great scripture.

    Thank you for your lovely and encouraging comment on my WFW... it blessed me.

    Bless you heaps!

  7. Great WFW...

    I use Picasa for editing my photos...

  8. Thanks for sharing....Happy WFW.

  9. Whatever....He meets it.
    Silly question but have you prayed over Picasa.......have you downloaded it should not lose anything.
    I use it continually.


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