
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Thoughts on the words of Paul . . .

I love this photo. It brings back many memories. On this evening the teenagers decided they wanted to be the teachers and they helped the older women. Some were called 'grandma' some called 'aunt' depending on how old they were.

I have a blogging friend named Michelle that shared yesterday that she needs organization. She needs schedules. I am like Michelle. I need structure. I need to have something to write about a guide or an idea. I am not real random.

I have been thinking for awhile about my blog and it's content. I have been praying to God and asking Him to direct my words and my thoughts. I haven't actually asked but I should have asked Him to send readers. To send other women that need to hear his word. Maybe for the first time. Or maybe just a reminder an encouragement.

Or maybe someone that needed an older, wiser, more mature woman's words of wisdom. I am not really sure that I deserve to categorize myself as wiser but I do fit the older and mature role if your talking about age. But I hope you get what I mean. What I am trying to say.

I want to share myself. I want to share what God is teaching me.

And I want to learn. I want to learn the things you know. The things about homemaking, and housekeeping. And how to be a good wife. How to stay in the word. Or maybe just encouragement to just 'do it'.

Here's what Paul has to say . . .
Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, (see even us older women can learn) not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.

Believe I am not disrespecting Paul's words but personally I think I can learn just as much from a younger woman as I can from an older woman. Especially when it comes to loving my Cowboy. You see alot of you younger women are still in that romantic stage of marriage. And so I think you probably could help me a lot. And maybe your better at scheduling your time. Or maybe you are a woman after God's own heart and you have words of wisdom or encouragement for someone else.

I have no idea where this is going. But I do know that I want to offer myself to you. I hope that some others will decide to join me and if you have nothing else to write on Tuesday maybe you'll write something to help that will help someone else.

Today I am asking some advice from you all. My Cowboy has a new job. He works from 4-8. He leaves the house at 3 and returns after 9. He doesn't get a real dinner break. So here's my problem. How the heck am I going to feed him dinner? Yesterday we tried eating a late lunch. A good healthy meal. But of course when he came home he was hungry and actually so was I. We made nacho's. Now I remember way back a long time ago when we were dating we would nacho's after a movie. But I think that; well I know that a steady diet of nacho's or ice cream at 9 p.m. well; we all know that isn't gonna be good for us.

So I ask for your ideas and suggestions. Got any good ideas for late evening healthy meals or large snacks?

Before I end with the verse I am working on don't forget about the give ways. Leave a comment, follow me and check out my book blog and follow it to get a bunch of chances.

The Lord is my strength and my shield; my hearts trusts in Him and I am helped.
My heart leaps for Joy and I will give thanks to him in song.
Psalm 28:7


  1. Something with a lot of veggies and protein. The veggies are light and good for him, the protein will stay with him and fill him up. Stay away from to many carbs because he will be tired and not want a lot of energy at that time of night.

  2. Salads, vegetables, casseroles sis.


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