
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Quick update and Thankfulness to share . . .

1 We leased our car hauler trailer for $600.00 cash that will carry us until Cowboy can find a job.
2 Cowboy found out he can sell Plasma for $50.00 every other day.
3 Last night the new program began at McFadden it is was great. I see that it is a time we can sit and talk to the boys. I will be a great time of discipleship.
4 Christian one of our boys really opened up last night he has only been there since May. He is learning and realizing how much God loves him and how he can lean on God. Please pray for Christian he has no home to go to once he is released.
5. One boy Joseph that was released a few months ago has been on my mind. He is in Dallas not far from us. I finally got Cowboy to call him last week and we found out he is in jail in Dallas. He was involved in a shooting. He is innocent he was attacked by another group of boys. We are very thankful he is o.k. and he gives the credit to God.
Here's his photo from Christmas

Christmas program for boys with children the bear was mailed to his sonPosted by Picasa
Joseph always has this smile. He was smiling yesterday when Cowboy went to see him in the jail. He was smiling because God is with him. He is reading his Bible and praying and he said that he knows that God will take care of him and supply what he needs.
Out of the mouths of babe's
I need to remember his words.
Thanks for visiting thanks and if you think of Joseph will you say a prayer for him.

1 comment:

  1. Bless you sis, love you so much. I will be praying for Joseph.


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