
Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Homemaker Monday


The weather in my neck of the woods: Not sure the temp but feels nice really windy and a little humid but really nice.

Things that make me happy: Mothers day wish and hugs from the boys at chapel service yesterday. God was with us and those boys made my day.

I'm reading: Just finished The Last Christian by David Gregory can't wait to write the review. Just started Embracing Your Second Calling by Dale Hanson Bourke and I am loving it already.

What I'm enjoying on TV: too much reading to do!

On the menu for dinner: chicken a la King, mashed potatoes...sounds good doesn't it? Sandra what time? I actually have no idea yet but I am thinking it is going to be something to go with hashbrown potatoes!

On my To Do List: Too long but how about what I have already done today. 2 loads of laundry, one done and put away, washed dishes that didn't fit dishwasher last night, swept the entire house. I love my new floor! Worked in our pantry (ministry), posted Mosaic Monday and Blue Monday....aren't you tired just reading this? Next on my list LUNCH!

New Recipe I tried or want to try soon: Broccoli salad leftovers for lunch the recipe which I adapted to follow!

In the craft basket: Just emptied a box of fabric scraps to use the box for something else so am thinking about stitching them up tonight. I am having sewing machine withdrawal.

Looking forward to this week:Enjoying more time outside in the patio ...stole this from Sandra 'cept I have to say my new patio at my new house!

Tips and Tricks:Fold the laundry or hang as soon as it comes out of the dryer. If not you will always be behind and have a messy laundry room! Or if you have yummy leftovers from last night. Eat out of the dish finish it off and wash. No extra plate needed. This only works if your home alone. I am not sure men and children would get the concept.

My favorite blog post this week: I have ones saved but forgot where I put it. It is from my friend Carrie's blog. I'll add it after lunch. I am starving.

Blog Hopping: Last week I loved the parade of homes at I love her blog go over and visit.

No words needed:

Lessons learned the last few days: You really can use an iron skillet for anything. And it is o.k. to wash it with soapy water just towel dry and then put on the stove and cook it dry. Used mine for pork chops and cream gravy last night. It's already for those hashbrowns for tonight!

On My mind: Something I can only share with my father right now. I need his strength. I need his faithfulness.

Devotional/Scripture Reading or Key Verse: Isaiah 43:18-19 forget about what's happened; don't keep going over old history. Be alert, be present. I'm about to do something brand new. It's bursting out! Don't you see it? there it is! I'm making a road through the desert, rivers in the badlands."
I found this verse last night while reading Embracing Your Second Calling. God spoke to
me through this verse reminding me of his faithfulness. I am leaning on him.

BTW I am also labeling this post dummies at blogging because I lost the font...notice the change?


  1. I enjoyed reading your day book. I am praying for you. I too~have a burden today. It is amazing that friends can share our hurts and heartaches.
    Know I have lifted your burden up to the Father!
    I have been so busy~I am catching up on my favorite blogs!
    Have a wonderful day!

  2. my boys and hubby love to use the leftover container as their eating dish when they can. YEA! Saves me a little extra work.

  3. It was nice to share your Monday with you!

    I'd love to have one of my grandmother's cast iron skillets!


  4. Dinner is served, just thought you would want to know so you could come over LOL

    Enjoyed your post :)

  5. I love that verse! I'm so glad He is doing a new thing. Thanks for that great reminder!

  6. hi there. i am stopping by from happy home makers monday

    im just thinking of you and hoping you have a good week.


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