
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wordsfilled Wednesday

Psalm 37:7
When I took this photo I immediately thought of this verse. My daughter laughed because it seems most of the photo's I take
are of him eating. Or waiting to eat!

Are you patiently or not so patiently waiting on the Lord today. Just think how sweet it is when you see God's direction clearly.

Amy's hostess today is Lori visit her for more illustrations of God's word through photo's.

Hope your day is filled with sweet Blessings from God.
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  1. This it perfect!! Waiting is the trick isn't it?

  2. Amen! I am not known for patience in our family. But I am learning to wait on Him. Thanks for this great reminder my friend!

  3. That is the sweetest thing ever.

  4. patiently waiting...just spoke with a friend about this yesterday. Why do question it at all?? We let impatience get the best of us and jump in and try and take control..our control, not His...

    waiting on the Lord...grow me in patience Lord!

    What a perfectly priceless image to go with this verse!!

    loved it!

  5. Made me smile. How cute that his food moments end up on verse cards.


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