
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Word Filled Wednesday

" Anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple." Luke 14:27.

I thought this was a great verse to follow my book review post yesterday.

Jesus really offers us no option. It isn't his desire for us to fit God's mission into our own priorities.

Being a Christ follower should be an act in breaking out of our comfort zone . Something like getting out of the comfortable pew and meeting God where he is working and abandoning ourself to Christ.

As I think of this verse I realize that the book Start Here isn't really only for teens if your interested in reading it I have a giveway copy. So leave a comment and I'll enter you!

You can go here to read the book review.

Wordfilled Wednesday was created by Amy. The hostess today is Susan go over and join or check out the other great illustrations of God's word.


  1. Amen! There really is no option. We are called to go to the poor, the hurting, the needy. Thank you for that great reminder today. I pray God is with you in all that you do. Have a great day my friend!

  2. wow, what a post today! i love it sherry!

    btw, I'm sorry I've still got the book sitting here, I thought hubby mailed it, but realized it's still here, so I'll send it out this week!

  3. Yes. Even when that thing is wayyy to heavy and He lifts the load bringing us through. Good word and reminder.

  4. Great word. So true!!

    Thanks so much for joining us this WFW!

    Blessings to you♥

  5. Amen, so true.
    Have a blessed day !

  6. Thank you for that Word today. Thank God we can follow our Lord. Blessings ~


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