
Monday, March 29, 2010

Happy Homemaker Monday


I am joining Sandra again for Happy Homemaker Monday....blogger isn't loading my photo's right now. Hopefully I can add them later.

The weather in my neck of the woods: It is Spring finally! I think maybe 60 already. All I know is I don't need a coat! Yea.

Things that make me happy: My clean kitchen

Book I'm reading: Just finished Bequiled by Deeanne Gist and J. Mark Bertrand. Reading a childrens book. And waiting for my next book in the mail.

What I'm enjoying on TV: when the grandbaby is here on Mon. it is PBS till 1:00 then change to Nick Jr. The rest of the time I usually listen to the Christian C.D. package. At night it is usually HG.TV. I love house hunters. On food channel I love chopped. They sure do show a lot of reruns though!

On the menu for dinner: Crockpot Chili, hot wings and a salad

On my To Do List: The normal house routine. Fixin' to take the sheets of the bed. Sweep and mop the floor.

New Recipe tried or want to try soon: I tried corn bread off the Aunt Jemima bag of complete mix. It was great in an iron skillet. Really using my iron for alot more now.
This isn't a recipe I want to try but I sure would like to cook some okra in that skillet. Can't wait for some fresh okra!

In the craft basket: A quick and easy quilt top I am finishing to show Wed. at a training session for a class I am starting for our halfway house girls.

Looking forward to this week: Lunch on Wed. with my mom, my daughter and Cowboy. It is our daughters birthday.

Tips and Tricks:Paper plates. The really cheap kind I use to drain french fries, as a spoon rest, a cutting board in a jam, to stage cut veggies. They are handy when you cook meals that have lots of ingredients or use lots of utensils. Saves dishwashing!

My favorite blog post this week: Tracy's newest post. It was a great tutorial. She also is having a party tomorrow at her blog. Here's her photo button. It explains it all. Go and join her!

Blog Hopping: I found this over at one of my favorite stops Desert Cottage. Karen Valentine is the wonderful writer here. She recently made a job change and started to design blogs you have to go and check over here and check out her work! Oh she designed the new 'Email me' button on my sidebar. It is one of her freebie's.
I am always discovering new blogs and I put my fav's on the sidebar. Check them out.

No words needed (favorite photo or picture, yours or others you want to share):

Lesson learned the past few days: To think about what I do between the Sundays. Already blew it.

On my mind: The sewing classes beginning next Friday and the details of moving.

Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:
Psalm 13 these verses describe my feelings right now. I am leaning on these words . . .
But I trust in your unfailing love' my heart rejoices in your salvation. I will sing to the Lord for he has been good to me. Psalm 13:5&6
Psalm 13:5


  1. I so enjoyed your post and getting to know about you! I love house hunters, too. Love to peek into the homes of others without getting arrested! :)

    Crockpot chili? Yum!!!

    Have a sweet week! BTW, you are welcome to use my photo of the bottles.


  2. Enjoyed reading. I love to watched chopped !
    Have a very blessed day dear friend.

  3. Glad you found Texas-Blogging Gals! Will get you on the next updated list.

    Come see me at my personal blog, too.



  4. Have a wonderful lunch with your family.

    I really enjoyed your answers.



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