
Thursday, March 4, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful that Spring is slowy coming. I think it is just around the corner.

We are off to look at a house this morning. Could it be the one? Please pray for us today.

Then we have ministry work to do the rest of the morning.

Worshipping and Serving while we're waiting.

May your day be Blessed


  1. Praying for this house to be the one sweetie, love you.

  2. Found your blog via Shorty Bear's . . . it is tough waiting on the right home. God will take care of all . . . just trust and listen to HIM.
    PS Beautiful blog.

  3. Found your blog via Shorty Bear's . . . it is tough waiting on the right home. God will take care of all . . . just trust and listen to HIM.
    PS Beautiful blog.

  4. Praying my friend! And yes, I am very thankful Spring is coming!

  5. There is nothing like buying a house that can really "test" your faith. Me, and my husband spent more then a year before finding the right home.. We have been working on this one house for a few months now, there has been a lot of up and downs, but please know the Lord will lead you to that perfect home. Keep your head up!

  6. Praying you will find your new home soon! :)


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