
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Oh Beautiful One

I know that I am the mom and of course she is beautiful to me but I just had to share this one. This was taken when the three of us went to eat mexican food one Saturday. I was posting some photo's of the baby on his blog so I thought I would share this one of them.

They are always in my prayers.

Father God thank you for my beautiful daughter. She is pure sunshine to me. Thank you for my dear sweet grandson that is sitting in my lap right now. Thank you that I am able to see them every week and that Zane gets to come and play. Thank you that she is a loving and beautiful mommy, wife and daughter.
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  1. She is beautiful my friend! I pray many blessings over her & her family. Also praying for your home need. Take care my friend!

  2. I would be interested in the review. :)


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