
Thursday, March 11, 2010

He makes me smile . . .

Today was a rough day for us. I wrote earlier about our situation with the house and our financial situation.
I didn't mention that one of our programs is in jeopardy. Our backpack program is a little different than a 'normal' backpack program. We provide pantry staples as well as food for the children. There are some people in the district that are questioning why we include the pantry items and are suggesting that we provide pantry items through a referral program. Which doesn't work for us because we don't have a location in the school district. Our donated office space and warehouse space is 30 min. from the school. It would make it very difficult to provide this type of program.
I was frustrated and bummed out. This along with all the other issues was just getting to me. I told Cowboy I am not willing to fight anymore. I feel like we are constantly in a mode of fighting to stay afloat. Fighting to manage to keep things together.
We are supposed to do chapel services Sunday night at our girls facility.
Cowboy has $18.00 in his pocket.
We will need to get gas. It will take half a tank to there.
We are running on empty.
We got home. I went into the kitchen and this is what I saw!

I yelled out Cowboy. . . . "Oh my word you have to come and see this!" "Seriously get in here now and see this!

He asked jokingly "What is it a pot of gold."

I was dressed in thin pants a sleeves top and slippers. I grab the camera went outside it was chilly and I was cold but I had to get photo's.

I needed a rainbow

This rainbow is over our landlords building. When I came in the house I went to call him to go out and see it. We talked for a minute and hung up. When I went back to the kitchen window the rainbow was gone.
I claim this rainbow as my own. He makes me smile. He will provide
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  1. Yes, God will provide. Just hang on to that promise!
    Psalm 37:25

  2. Yes He will provide...
    Isn't it great when God give you an word just when you need it...hold on to it!
    Your situation is in my prayers...


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