
Monday, January 25, 2010

Simple Woman's Day Book

FOR TODAY. . . from Sherry's Daybook

Outside my window . . . glimpses of green. Last week I noticed birds in my backyard and yesterday morning I noticed little sprigs of grass. Praise God!

I am thinking . . . It will be a beautiful day

I am thankful for . . . a big 'ole ham bone and beans in the crock pot and that I didn't have any appointments and didn't have to leave the house last week

I am wearing . . . comfy Old Nave fleece pants with snow flakes on them a hand me down white long sleeve t-shirt blue knee socks and a hoddie. It is still chilly in the house

I am remembering . . . how much Iove spring

I am going . . . try to finish cleaning,organizing and moving furniture around this week

I am currently reading . . . a novel that I am reviewing calked "Choices" will write the review tonight it's getting lots of stars I am really enjoying it

I am hoping . . . to finish moving furniture and that Cowboy will cooperate

On my mind . . . the amazing things that are happening to our ministry I can see God's hand

Noticing that . . . I still have alot to learn

Pondering these words . . . God is might to save

From the kitchen . . .today beans cooked with a ham and hopefully cornbread. The rest of the week I have no clue.

Around the house . . . more moving and organizing it is finally looking comfy and cozy and organized

One of my favorite things . . . people does that count? Well let me think a minute things that bring people together (I was thinking how much I enjoy friends and family and the kids I work with)
From my picture journal

I love hearts. I have a small collection of hearts that I decorate with in February. I loved this photo.

I'll be back with a book review later today and a random post but I have to get going now the baby is coming today!

Thanks for stopping over and if you didn't come from Peggy's go over there to read more day book posts.

Hope your day is Blessed


  1. What a very sweet picture. Thanks for sharing about your day.



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