
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

WordFilled Wednesday prayer request

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and he will direct your step.
Proverbs 3:5&6

I chose these images this morning and this verse to illustrate the struggles that I am facing.

I have mentioned here before that it is my prayer that the desires of my heart come from God. That those desires are placed there by him. That my heart is not open to distraction from the evil one. That...
...Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil.

It is my prayer that the decisions we make personally and for the ministry are plans that God has given us. That he will make our path straight and that he will show us where he wants us to step and where to go.

I included the photo of the sand because I pray that God is carrying us now. That the absence of two sets of footprints illustrates his holding us and carrying us through.

Dear one's I ask you to lift me and my Cowboy up. We have some big decisions to make.

Those decisions include where we will have "our" church membership and where will be able to be discipled, and encouraged.

These decisions include new doors that are opening for the chapel ministry that we do on Sunday at a youth prison facility.

Five years ago I felt God leading us to partner with a larger church in our area to plant a church for youth.

And now five years later it seems the doors are opening. A large Huge church in our area is considering adopting our ministry. The amount of support that could be gained from a partnership is overwhelming and exciting.

The only thing is it is not the church that I feel God leading me. We have visited this church half a dozen times. And each time I walk away with the feeling I don't like it here.

And so there is my personal dilema. As a ministry this is a wonderful opportunity. Personally I question.

And so dear friends I ask you to please pray for me. Please pray for our ministry.

And please if you have words of wisdom or encouragement please, please leave them here.

Many Blessings and Happy WFW and Blessing to all the WFW participants today. Thanks Penny for hosting this week.


  1. Oh my friend, I will definitely be praying. Go with where God is leading you. If the huge church does not feel right to you, then maybe there's a reason. I love the scripture. I have relied on it many times in my life. I pray that you find the truth of it now, as well.

    Take care my sweet sister in Christ! Happy WFW!

  2. I will absolutely pray for you!! I pray that the Lord will direct your paths just as the scripture says... beautiful collage of images! :)

  3. Praying God will give you the wisdom you need as you trust in Him with ALL your heart.

    Great idea!!

    Let us know how God leads you♥

  4. Thanks for visiting my blog. I will add you and your husband to my prayer list. I will send you an email to tell you what one woman in our large church is doing. It is awesome. Don't give up God will lead you to the right church that will support you in your ministry.

  5. Hello I am new to your blog~ I love your collage of pictures:)

    I will pray that the Lord gives you guidance, wisdom & direction for you and your ministry!
    Psalm 48:14

  6. Praying for His wisdom and guidance for you ~ keep trusting in the Lord.
    Blessings ~

  7. Amen! this is one of my favorite verse. Yes, I will be praying for you. I believe God will lead you to where He wants you to be. God bless.

  8. Thanks for the verse, one of my favorites. I will pray for you.

  9. I love this verse, such a wise one. Praying for you, we are also looking for a new church home. I love you.

  10. Thank You for leaving such kind words on my post tonight:)

    I have no words of wisdom to give you, but I know that our Father does and he'll place them on your heart in due time, as we all lift you,your husband and your ministry in prayer.


  11. Hi My sister...
    I will surely lift you both up in prayer, Lift my husband and I as well we are also facing a similar issue. Your heart will be at peace when you know.

    Hugz Lorie

  12. Hi Sherry:

    I'm a little late in visiting blogs this week, but want you to know I'm praying for your decision.

    A verse that is always helpful to me in situations such as this is Isaiah 30:21 "Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "this is the way; walk in it."



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