
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What's in a name....

I have been thinking about doing this for awhile. Maybe I am weird but have you ever thought about why you visit other blogs? Not when your going by following a meme or a suggestion of another blogger. But what attracts you to go to a new blog.

I have this deal about names. I am attracted to visit blogs because of the names. Sometimes when I am at a friends blog or have gone over following a meme I'll see a name in the comments and I am just drawn to check out the blog.

Here are the words that catch my eye and cause me to visit you . . .

cottage cabin romantic rabbit horse

quilt shabby heart home His

homespun porch

If you look over at my sidebar at the links to the places 'the homes' I visit you'll see many of the words in the names.

I am mostly drawn to blogs that center around the home and decorating and usually when I get there most of the time I am pleased to see that the profiles describe a woman that is interested in names too. Names like these

These are names that I lean on. These are names that I cry out to. These are names that give Hope.

If your blog doesn't speak of Hope or if your profile doesn't mention these names. It is my prayer that when you visit here or stop over and visit some of the blogs that I link to that you will be drawn to God. That you will see God's grace and mercy and that you will see, learn and feel this...

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  1. I love to visit Christian blogs, home decor, and funny blogs. Witty people usually attract me too. ha.

    Your title "What's in a name" lured me here. :o)

    Have a blessed night!

  2. I love this! There is so much power in words, especially names. We should never take our words lightly.

    Take care my sweet friend!
    Hope everything is going well in your area of the country!

  3. I love this!!! very insightful.
    My Blogs name is Dwelling Place... no wonder you came by :)

    take care and it is good to see you encouraged. I will take more notice of my reading habits.. interesting to think about.


  4. I'm leaning on the same names you lean on sweet sister!
    What a sweet post!


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