
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Summer flowers in Fall

I have a few flowers that I planted really late this summer. And they are blooming. I spent a lot of time in August watering them and hoping that they would get a chance to bloom.
It kind of reminds me of how it is sometimes when you God gives you the opprotunity to do something or when something happens that really isn't in the timing that you expect.
I cannot count the times that this has happened. When we pray most of the time we are asking God for specific things. Kind of asking him to give us what what we want. What we think we really need.
I spend a lot of time these days asking God what it is he wants me to do. What it is he wants us to do as a couple. And as founders of a ministry. We spend alot of time waiting on God's timing.
Just like I waited so long for these to bloom I wait just about as patiently most of the time for Gods plans for our ministry to unfold.

I really had a hard time writing this post today. Partly because my mind is jumbled. I hope that even though my thoughts are jumbled that you are Blessed and encouraged today. I pray that God shares himself with you today and that you find Joy in our Savior Jesus Christ.

And like these flowers that took in so much water, I pray that we all take in the Living Water and that; whatever it is, however it is that God plans to use us that we Bloom Where We Are Planted.

May your day be Blessed. Thank you for visiting me.
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  1. How wonderful to still have flowers sprouting. We've (unfortunately) been hit with a cold, rainy and especially windy Fall. I have notice through it all how you'll see a few late bloomers trying to carve their path to a full bloom.
    We've been trying to keep our feeders filled for the sweet birds, but they have a hard time hanging on to the wind blown perches. I admire their precious stamina and determination.It's actually very inspiring!

    Sweet wishes.


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