
Friday, October 16, 2009

The Journey to Chapel

For a few days I have been going back and sharing a few of my posts and thoughts from the beginnining of The Journey here.
I began My Journey Back because I was at a time in my life that I felt like I had lost myself.

My Cowboy and I have been so absorbed in ministry that it consumes us. Take my word for it. That is not a good thing.
I remember something like if you allow anything to take away from your personal relationship with God that it is not good. Maybe there is actually a verse somewhere but at the moment I can't remember one. I just know that awhile back that is how I felt.

And, I hate to admit it I am there now. I don't know that I actually ever really got back to myself. Got back to the close right relationship with God.

And I wonder I question does he Bless when we are out of sync. Out of sync with him and ourselves and each other?

But I do know that he is moving mountains and opening doors that I had given up on.
One of those timing things. A prayer that I prayed over 6 ago. It was then that I felt God was leading us to start a youth church.

It is now that we are starting a youth church. Not where I expected. Not for the youth I expected to serve, teach and disciple.

But for youth that are incarcerated. Youth that many people have given up on.
It is for the young man in the photo below serving a sentence for felony offences related to drug and alcohol dependency.

Where we serve is a treatment facility. But it is still prison. There is no fence or razor wire around this facility but it is still prison. Each of the youth residents here are serving a sentence for a crime.

And each of the youth here need to hear that God loves them and that he hasn't given up on them.

I stumbled on a song this morning while I was looking for music for our services. This song touched me and so I want to share it here. In case you are like some of these kids. Maybe you haven't committed a crime. Maybe your addiction is something other than drugs or alcohol. Maybe your addiction is like mine serving and getting absorbed. Maybe you have strayed away from your relationship with Jesus.

Here's a reminder for you that he waits.

May we all fall.


  1. You are welcome. Thank you for stopping by joyformourning.
    Wonderful Post. Be bless.

  2. Blessings Sherry...beautiful song with a deep message! Thanks for sharing! I know the journey is hard. Don't give on. Your ministry & mission has great purpose just don't loose your own. May you fall for Him now and come back & enJOY a blessed week with Him!

  3. I could have been one of those teens. Thank you for what you are doing and being faithful to the Call of the Lord. Our ways are not his ways and sometimes it is when we are out of Sync that we find him the most...when we realize we truly do need him that we have our most intimate times in his presence. So, be encouraged sister that maybe just maybe this out of sync feeling is Just what GOD ordered so that he could bring you into a deeper level of relationship with him.

    Be blessed

  4. Thank you for visiting my blog today. I am very intrigued by who you are reaching out to. It's amazing. To answer your question, the donkey is at a petting zoo. His name is Lightning. We just visited him again last week and he was recovering from something. They didn't say what. When we go back to the petting zoo, I will give you an update on him. I love that donkeys have that cross on their backs.


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