
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Put a lid on it....

There is a photo of this weeks giveway on the sidebar or you can read yesterdays post.

Sometimes I wonder where you guys creativity comes from? I read so many great blogs just look at my sidebar and my followers there are some great writers out there. And ideas wow all those awards that go around and the meme's and the carnivals.

Well I am not a creative person. My creativity comes from others most of the time. I am being totally open and honest here. I am a copy cat. There I said it. Whew. I am glad that is off my chest.

I am remombering a verse we studied Sunday in Galatians it talks about holding each other up. Helping each other and bearing thier burdens. But it also talks about when a brother or sister is caught in sin to restore them gently. (Glatians 6:1 NIV)

Like I said I admit it I am not really very creative. But I am good and learning from others. I am a very visual learner so I guess that is why I enjoy blogging so much because I love looking at all of the pictures of peoples homes and the projects they are working on and the quilts. I spend many hours looking a pictures of quilts and dreaming of getting back into my sewing room again.

So, I have admitted my habit (date I use the s. word) of looking and borrowing (clearing my throat here) your ideas and your wondering what does Putting a lid on it have to do with being a copy cat? Well if you go over to Rachel's she has suggested the funnest thing today to make your home a sanctuary. Her blog is one of my favorite places to visit.

She reminds, encourages and inspires everyday. If you are struggling at being a Proverbs woman or you aspire to be a Titus 2 woman then follow me over visit Rachel she inspires me and well I get a lot of ideas from her. We'll just call it inspiration. What do you say?

Don't forget to leave a comment.

BTW the white container on the top shelf is filled with mismatched lids. And in case your wondering they make great toys.


  1. Copying is the greatest form of flattery!
    Hope your week is going great!

  2. Thanks for the k, I love to read what other people love and find new favorites. Thanks for visiting my blog too.

  3. Hi! Great post. :) I found you from the comments over at Home Sanctuary.

    I just wanted to say that when my daughter was just over 1 and my son was newly born we lived with my mother in law for a while and didn't have many toys, so there was a drawer full of lids in the kitchen that she would sit and play with for hours!

    Who needs expensive toys, right?

    Great blog here. Thanks for the invite.

  4. I agree the lids make great not to mention inexpesive toys! thanks for the lovely comments and inviting to follow your journey.

  5. Almost all artists copy something or another from other artists. It's called inspiration. You take what you see that speaks to you and you change it, morph it, until it becomes more of your work than theirs. Plus the more you copy others, the more techniques you learn until you can incorporate the things you've learned into your own work. Thanks so much for coming over and visiting me. Stop by anytime.

    My Desert Cottage

  6. Oh Man! I am the same way. I'm just old and don't remember that I saw it somewhere else. HE HE! LOL! :)

    Thanks for stopping by and entering my little giveaway. Your name is in the pot. : )



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