
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Join me today for Thankful Thursday hosted by Laurie. Today's discussion is provision.

But before I begin I have to say I am thankful God knows and understands my heart. Even when I don't know how to express myself I know that he knows. He knows my hurts, my frustrations and even my pain. I resolve to trust and believe even when I don't in my humaness see it.

Provision is the suggested topic today which is difficult for me to talk about because I feel like that is something that I am constantly praying for. And I am constantly asking God to give me patience and to help me to hurry up and learn whatever it is that he wants me to learn.

And, as I whine and fret and worry about what we are going to do I know that there are those that are thinking and feeling the same way because of loss of employment or the fear of loss. And there are those that read my blog and they think you choose to do this. I lost my job or my husband lost his job and we have no control over that.

Your right I choose. I choose to wait and trust not as patiently as I should but I wait and I continue on. And I whine and I fret and I complain when I have a program planned and then not enough funds come in and I have to cut back on what I am doing.

And I pray for strength and patience and understanding. And I pray for you dear sister that you have strength and patience in whatever God is taking you through right now. Whether it is the loss of a job or the fear of losing a job if you trust in God he will provide provision. Maybe not exactly as we expect but I guess that is actually kind of cool because it is kind of like a surprise and we all love surprises right.

The other day I stumbled onto an amazing post that I will share with you tomorrow. This ladies trust and faith in God is so encouraging. I was lifted up after reading it. So come back tomorrow and visit my Friday Share and Tell I know you will be blessed.

Before I go I want to share what Debra Kaye said today because she said what I couldn't put into words. Thank you my sister.

"Psalm 6:2 "Have mercy on me Lord for I am weak; O Lord heal me for my bones are troubled"
David pleaded for mercy here based on his weakness. This confession "I am weak" is hard to own up to. We like to be strong...but we fail and we need to call upon God for mercy. I am glad for the provision of His grace and His mercy despite my weakness. And for the provisions that He sends along in the way of friends who will pray...and a sister in law who humbled and sacrificed her wants.
Blessings to you this Thankful Thursday! Great big hugs!


  1. May God always meet your needs dear.

  2. Blessings Sweet Sherry...May God provide well and above what you need! may you begin to see fruit in all you set your hand to doing in Jesus' Name. Be sure to stop by my Friday "Say It..." because you share a part in this one. Hoping that Our Jehovah Jireh exceeds your
    funds so you can do as your heart plans.

  3. Hi Sherry, It is great to here from you. I have missed ya. Big hug. Happy TT.

  4. You don't choose the consequences, you choose how your reaction to them.
    This is one of my favorite bits of knowledge, AND I love that God, being the perfect father He is, is loving and patient, forgiving me when my reactions are exactly productive:)


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