
Friday, April 3, 2009

Share and Tell

Good morning. The sun is shining where I am. I hope you have sunshine today. One of my favorite blogs to visit is Kelli's House. She is the hostess of Show and Tell Friday . I love to go over and see what she is showing and visit all the other bloggers that are showing thier treasures. Go by and visit her today and tell her I sent you.

I am still away from my computer and so I can't do a Show and Tell. But I thought that I could begin a new little project. How about Share and Tell? I joined a couple of wonderful ladies last week that challenge me to memorize scripture. I love the encouragement and I really need it.

I love visiting other blogs and I thought it would be fun to Share and Tell about our favorite blogs or meme's or carnivals or maybe a favorite post of the week. Or maybe a post you read in someones archives that touched you.

Today I want to Share with you Fearless Friday it is hosted by Angela. I love her profile photo you have to check it out. Here's what she says about Fearless Friday.

"Fearless Friday Meme is se omething that I started because I know how powerful prayer is and how it DOES bring about God's yoke destroying, burdening removing power in the midst of your life. This Meme is about sharing your prayer requests with me and I with you. I also have a Prayer Journal specifically for Fearless Fridays where I write down your prayer requests with the date beside it. When a prayer has been answered, I will write in red ink PBG (Praise Be to God) and the date that God answered your prayer.I would be honored to pray for you!"

I know I need to pray more. I know that I really need to see PBG's in my life. I have had a struggle the last few weeks and just knowing that I have friends that are praying for me helps me. And it brings joy to my day to be able to pray for someone else and see thier PBG.

Thanks for visiting and don't forget to go and see Kelli. Please share with me your favorite places to visit.

1 comment:

Thank you for visiting. I love your comments!