
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Bible Verse of the week

Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth
I heard this phrase awhile back when I worked with the youth at our previous church.

It became real to me when I began using it in our ministry. The might not always remember a Bible verse on thier last day but most of them could tell you what the word Bible meant.
They would proudly say: Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth

As I think back to that time I am reminded of the boys that would stop over at the magazine table on thier way out. The would look at magazines and then pick up a Bible (under a free magazine) and leave. Each time we caught their eye there was a connection made. You see many of these kids wouldn't want thier peers to see them picking up a Bible.

It saddens me as I think of our opportunities. Many of us have only to choose which illustration to pick up and read. Many can choose to read one with some words in red or not.

And yet we don't. I am one of the many that has a hard time finding the time to read the most important book in my library. I need encouragement. I need reminders. I need to take time. And so I join others who are determined to do what it takes to hide scripture in their hearts.

This week our challenge is to memorize:

Isaiah 53:6 All we like sheep have gone astray, we have turned everyone to this own way, and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. (KJV)

Sadly this isn't much of a challenge to me because this is another one of those verses that is already buried and hidden in my heart. Normally I prefer to read the NIV or another translation that is easier for me to understand but this is the way that I memorized it originally and so for two reasons I will keep it that way.
1) My brain is a little tired and I need all the help I can get
2) It just feels good to remember it. It brings back memories from childhood. I don't necessarily remember when I memorized it. But it reminds me of Gods love for me.

If you haven't joined us at The Power of His Love
I urge you to go over and sign up. Just being a part of the group will give you encouragement to learn, study and memorize God's word.

And BTW I am a day late with this post. We get a new assignment each Monday and have all week to work on it. I try to write the new verse everyday on my blog. And on Wednesday I join Amy for Wordfilled Wednesday with an illustration of the weeks verse. Come by tomorrow and see this weeks illustration.

Thanks for stopping in an I hope you are Blessed on the Journey


  1. Thanks for joining in again!! I'm a little behind myself these days--tired, low on energy--but we're getting through it!!



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