
Saturday, March 7, 2009

Then Sings My Soul

This amazing video is a little bit of a departure from the normal Then Sings My Soul post but when I saw it yesterday I knew that I had to share it along with why it is special to me. I hope you enjoy it. It isn't about the song it is about this . . .

In case you weren't able to tell but this amazing rider is riding this horse with no bridle or reins. The rider and horse are completely in tune. This ride was at the Congress the biggest horse competition in the U.S. The event is Free Style Reining. The rider has specific manevuers that are required. The ride is required to be coreographed to music. In a regular Free Style Riding class the horse has a bit and bridle and reins.

This rider is riding Bridleless. This is no easy task. In fact normally there is not even a bridleless class at most shows because it is so advanced. Horses are not meant to just do what you ask just because you ask. They must have a bridle on thier head with a bit in thier mouths to tell them what to do. To be able to train the horse to work this way is a very high achievement. And shows a special bond between the horse and rider.

I have seen that special bond.

When I saw this video last night I cried. I have seen many similar rides and they were special. But seeing this now struck me deeply. Hearing what the announcer said and then seeing the bond between this horse and rider touched my soul and so therefore it had to be my Then Sings My Soul Post.

This post and the following week is dedicated to a special horse and his girl.
I hope that you come back this week to hear my story of this kind of special bond.


  1. My neice (when she was younger) use to race her horse. It was always amazing to me how in tune the rider and horse can be.
    Have a fabulous weekend!

  2. Yes, I was amazed that she was bareback. I hadn't even thought about the breidle. That's even more amazing. Thanks for sharing! I can't wait to hear your story this week!

  3. Wow!! That was nothing short of amazing! Don't you know her dad would have been so proud of her...

  4. I've seen that sweet horse before, amazing.

  5. oh wow.

    I cried too when the horse started spinning.

    My mom was passionate about horses her whole life and she actually passed away watching a horse race on TV.

    Every time I see someone with such an obvious passion for horses I think of her.

    Thanks for sharing this post and it is ABSOLUTELY what TSMS Saturday is all about!

  6. My friend, your heart in this post, touches me alone. The video is also very moving.

    Big hugs to you!

  7. That is amazing! God bless.


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