
Monday, March 16, 2009

Then Sings My Soul Saturday on Monday

Welcome back. I took most of last week off because I was having computer problems and I just felt lead to spend the time with God. Thanks for visiting even though I wasn't here. I spent some much needed quiet time. I spent time praying and asking God's direction. And I worked on my new Bible study Makeover of the Heart which was verying revealing.

I did intend to post on Saturday but for some reason You Tube wasn't working for me so I guess I really needed a few more hours to digest what God was revealing to me concerning it. Here is the song and post I planned. (You can see more Songs posted on Saturday at)

I chose this Rebecca St. James songs for a few reasons:
  • I love it
  • I had a conversation with a ministry acquaintance concerning the topic
  • We are planning a Purity unit this summer at the halfway house
  • (sorry I can't help but say this...notice those numbers! I promise Carla I will write a post on how to do all these fancy things!)
    After talking with this young lady Friday I was prompted to write this post. You see she shared with me about Waiting for God for a mate. And she mentioned a specific Bible verse which neither one of us could remember exactly.

    She shared that she is in her 30's and happened to be in 7 family weddings over the last few months. I didn't tell her this but it made me think of the movie 27 Dresses (just saw it on tv) As she talked I felt sorry for her when she shared about how people treat her. People are also saying things like "When are you getting married?" and "Well have you met Mr. Right yet." etc. It goes on and on I am sure you have heard or even said something similar to someone.

    I don't know why what she said touched me so much except that maybe I remember when my daughter had a misscarriage and people said things they thought were encouraging. But they weren't.

    I just felt lead to write and share with all of you how we should really be careful about the things we say. I know I have said similar things and we don't really mean anything harmful in fact in most cases we are trying to be supportive and understanding. But sometimes it isn't received that way. Like I said I was just so touched by what she said.

    And as she spoke about waiting on God she mentioned this verse which neither one of us could remember. I spent the rest of the morning trying to remember it and then wouldn't you know it on the way home most of it came to me. The thing that bugged me was that it was a verse I supposedly memorized. Here it is: James 1:1-4 Consider it pure joy brothers and sisters(added) whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perserverance and perservance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete and not lacking anything.

    After walking away from talking to her I felt like someone had punched me in the stomach. You see I knew I knew that verse. But I didn't. Like I said I did remember most of it on the drive home but a lot of good that did. I did remember where it was and I looked it up when I got home. I plan to email it to her in a little while with a note of encouragement.

    And, I plan to dig into memorizing God's word. I send many thanks to Amanda the snow flake girl that introduced me to new software. The button is posted on my sidebar. I got to order it and I am anxiously waiting to receive it so I can really dig into memorizing.

    I have to tell all my friends that I am Blessed to be back and I hope that you too are Blessed by visiting my Journey.

    Much Love on the Journey,



    1. Oh what a beautiful song! Thank you for that reminder to think before we speak. Sometimes it is difficult to know what to say and we blurt something out before we've really had a chance to think about it.

      I'm glad your computer is doing better! Take care my sweet friend!


    Thank you for visiting. I love your comments!