
Thursday, March 5, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Welcome to Thankful Thursday hosted this month by Lynn. Visit her at to see what the others are Thankful for.

Here's what Lynn had to say. . .
Proverbs 9:10a The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom.

This Thankful Thursday I praise the Lord for wisdom.

Wisdom from the Bible to live lives that are filled with joy and purpose.
The wisdom of prayer to take our lives before the creator of the universe.
The wisdom of the Holy Spirit who nudges us to pursue a new direction or perceive something from God's perspective.
What are you thankful for this Thursday? Have a blessed day. Please take time to visit a few other posts and leave a word of encouragement. Be Blessed, Lynn
other Thankful Lists.

Today my Thankful List includes

Thanks to our Father for his patience in me when I don't get the wisdom he is trying to teach me. I am Thankful for the Holy Spirit that does gentle nudge me to pursure God. Somedays I am sad to say that it should be more of a shoove!

I am thankful that my daughter smiles.

I am thankful that we are planning a trip to Missouri with my daughter, son in love and the grandbaby to visit our son and his family. Including my new granddaughter.

I am thankful that Cowboy is in the middle of school! He is taking a drivers education class so he can teach the teenagers that we work (teens in prison) how to drive so they can get a license when they get out and get on the road legally.

I am very thankful that once he is done that he can work part time at Sears Driving School and bring in some much needed funds! I am thankful that God opened all the doors for this to happen!

And I am Thankful for Iris and her friend Lynn for hosting Thankful Thursday.

I hope everyone has a Blessed Day
Thankfully Journeying toward Jesus,


  1. Thanks for sharing such sweet blessings my friend.

  2. We are so blessed aren't we???? I thank God for Iris also starting this amazing has been such a blessing....

  3. Thanks for sharing your blessings. I'm glad that the Lord has provided for your hubby to teach driving and get paid for it! God bless!

  4. what fun! Happy Thankful Thursday to you and yours:)

  5. Great list my friend! That's exciting about your hubby's class and new job possibility.

    Can't wait to hear about your upcoming trip. I am sure you guys will have a great time!


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