
Sunday, March 8, 2009

Test post

Boy do I feel stupid. I have been reading all these amazing posts by you sweet sisters and wondering how you do some of the fancy stuff like changing the size of text. And like color.
  • and adding bullets

Now the bold I already figured out. No actually I learned it somewhere a while back I think on Blogging 101 or one of those places.

But all the cool text stuff I learned from Angie at The Knightly News. I mentioned her fancy stuff in a comment on one of her posts and she was so nice to tell me how to do it. I thought it was some fancy smancy (Is that a word) type stuff and duh it wasn't it was here all the time.

OK here's why I was such a dummy. I was writing my posts on the edit html tab not the compose tab. One the edit html tab all that shows up is the spell check,photo, and link buttons.

And so now that I have learned all this fancy smancy stuff you'll see some really pretty posts!

Back to My Journey I hope yours is a Blessing.



  1. I have often wondered how some people were able to change the font, add big words, etc. NOW I KNOW. Thank you!!! You are not alone!

  2. You are so funny and humble to admit what you did not know about publishing . I think this blogging thing is one big learning experience, for many of us. I have been blogging for almost one year. In that time, I have slowly learned about html code, "grabbing people's buttons", editing my posts (like you have now learned), and even some code changes on my sidebars, etc. It has been fun, though.
    Thanks for coming by, with your words of encouragement.
    You asked if my "Grace's Style Tip Friday" is a blog carnival. It is not, just something fun that I do, on Fridays. It gives me an easy excuse to post fun pictures of my daughter Grace, for the grandparents. I am thinking about making it a "blog carnival." Maybe in the near future.
    Thanks for the inquiry and encouraging words.

  3. dont' feel bad. I did that several times and still do it sometimes when i'm not paying attention! lol
    hugs! love the new look too!

  4. Good for you sweetie, glad you learned some new things.

  5. Dear Fancy Smancy, ;) I love that you are venturing out and trying new things! Please now, pray tell, how do you do bullets?! I didn't know you could do that.

    Have a blessed day my friend.

  6. Ok, tell me about the compose thing


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