
Friday, March 20, 2009

Singing and Rejoicing

How was everyones week? I missed stopping in to see everyone. Tonight I am back at my computer and I hope that I'll be at it from now on. I missed it!

I spent this week working on my daughters birthday quilt. It is 3/4 done and hopefully I can post photo's soon.

I spent some much needed quiet time and focused on Psalms 37:7. And I prayed the words from the song Word of God Speak. The lyrics say Word of God speak would you pour down like rain, washing my eyes to see your Majesty. I really got to thinking about these words and they spoke to me. I want God's Word to rain down on me. I want to absorb it. I hope that you too are in a place where you are seeking God.

Blessings to everyone.

Journeying to see God's Majesty


  1. Nice to hear from you dear one, love you.

  2. Don't you love how Heavenly Father is ALWAYS there? ALWAYS! Blessings to you guys today at your fundraiser:)


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