
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Hiding His Word

I have been on a Journey to grow closer to God and that is part of my reason for this blog. I pray that God will use something I write to draw someone else nearer to him.
God has shown me over the last few months I have been so negligent in many things one of which is knowing His Word.

I was reminded of that a few days ago and wrote about it here. The verse in James is one that I hard worked on a few months ago and I thought that I had it memorized but I realized as I was talking to this beautiful young lady that I didn't remember it and I wasn't sure where it was. Much later in the day I remembered most of it and where it was but that didn't do a lot of good then because the moment to share it with her was gone.

I found a wonderful tool over at Amanda's it is called Memorize His Word Bible Memory Software. You can find it here. You can go by there and check it out and even get a 30 day free trial.

When I received the software this week the business card was included in the package and on the back side was this:
Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds, tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheards. Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Write them on the doorframes of your houses, and on your gates. Deu. 11:18-20 Have you seen this verse before maybe....someplace really close like on this blog? Yes again it is one that I thought was memorized but not completely.

And so I am joining Beth and Denise and a few others and I am hoping that these sweet sisters will hold me up and pray for me as I work on Hiding His Word in my heart.
Beth hosts this wonderful challenge called Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth every Monday at her blog. Her really cute button is at the top of this post. I am putting it on my sidebar too so you can click on it and go right over there.

I know I am a little late and it is o.k. to join up anytime so if God has been speaking to you about growing closer to him by Hiding His Word then join us and come back on Monday and share with us what you have learned.

Join Me on the Journey


  1. I'm so glad you are joining us, Sherry! Scripture memory is so valuable in our walk with Him. The comfort it can bring during a time of need is amazing.

    Have a blessed eveing.

  2. Woo Hoo, so happy you are joining us, love you.

  3. Sherry,

    So glad you are joining us!! And next week's verse says exactly what we're striving for, doesn't it??

    Welcome aboard!



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