
Monday, December 22, 2008

You Make My Day

You Make My Day...if your stopped in to visit today you have made me feel so special. Even though I don't get to post everyday or even read when I do get to log on I find such wonderful comments and sweet words of encouragement.
Today when I visited Denise

She always leaves such sweet thoughts on our blogs. Please go by today and visit her and let her know how much she is loved! Ever the encourager she needs some today.

Before my visit I was thinking about what I wanted to write about and Santa Claus came to my mind. During Sunday School this past week the comment was made about Santa Clause and Christmas. And the idea/conception of keeping perspective concerning Santa Claus and the reason for Christmas. I think the vintage photo below shares my thoughts and feelings on the subject.

I thought this was a sweet and beautiful old photo. And then I read what Denise had to say. I hope she doesn't mind I borrowed it from her. But here are her thoughts.
What if...
The Christmas Tree is a symbol of eternal life? An evergreen that is cut then dies. Like Jesus died so we might have eternal life.
The lights on the tree are the symbol of "we are the light of the world"?
The star is the symbol of the star that shown bright when Jesus was born?
The Angel is to remind us that we are surrounded by angels?
The candle is the symbol of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit?
Santa is the symbol of giving, with no respect of persons?
It didn't just happen that Santa wears red and white, with a black belt? Sin covered by THE BLOOD leaves us white as snow.

Let us remember
Jesus is the reason for the season. Denise

My prayer is that you all have a wonderful Christmas. Thank you God for the many wonderful friends you have brought my way. Thank you for using them to remind me of your love.

And before I go. Please forgive the fall looking background. It has been so long since I have posted I am a little rusty on some things. (and so this post goes in my dummies at blogging category!) I had to relearn the how to add the bold and italics. And the puppy dog Christmas photo I know it is cut off but I thought it was cute anyway. I thought it looked like he was peeking around the corner. I hope you like it. I'll try to put a new background on soon. Many Blessings to you. Sherry


  1. Hi Sherry!!

    Stops for stopping by to wish me and my family a blessed CHRISTmas!!

    I wish the same to you and your family, and all those young people you are helping!!

    I wanted to also let you know that I have heard from Peggy today, and she is without internet service. I was concerned about her, but she is fine--her computer is not!!

    And yes, Denise needs all of our encouragement and prayers. She is in mine for sure!!


  2. Sherry,

    Merry Christmas to you sweet sister. God bless you!

  3. Thank You for stopping by the new blog! You made my day too! I know all this blogging tech stuff can be overwhelming, just look at my mess of blog, and trying to merge over to WP. I pray that you have a Christlike Christmas, and may God bless you in the new year!

  4. You are such a sweetie, thanks for your kind words. Praying for your family to have a very merry Christmas. I love you.

  5. What a beautiful post! I am so glad you are back to blogging. I have been missing you! You are a dear friend. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas celebrating the birth of our Savior!

  6. Hi Sherry! So good to 'hear your voice' out here in bloggyworld again!

    I pray you and your family have a blessed and joy filled Christmas.

  7. Your background doesn't matter (and thats what it actually looks like around here:) Its your words that matter! Take care sweetie!


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