
Thursday, October 2, 2008

Thankful Thursday

I put the Welcome mat out so come on in and enjoy the day. I have so many favorite days all because of some wonderfully amazing friends that I have found through this fun thing called blogging! I have some sweet tea made and always Dr. Peppers so pour a glass and rest awhile and you know while your here why don't you read my Wednesday post. I am beginning my own meme next Wednesday and I want to invite everyone. Read my post and check it out. And grab the little button I made. It isn't too pretty but it functions! Please pass it on to a friend. It is meant to share.
I am so sorry I got off track as is one of my favorites because this
is what we do on Thursday
Hosted by the sweet Iris who shared this amazing verse today.

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one
another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. Colossions 3:16

Today I wish to be Thankful I am praying that God will show me all the many Blessings he has given me and help me to have a more Thankful spirit.

The number one thing that I am thankful for today is like Iri's in fact I am going to steal her words. Iris is thankful for a spring in her step and joy in her heart...I totally understood her post the other day about the sadness and depression she felt when encountering "empty nest". I was there for over a year. It wasn't so much empty nest it was that we were estranged from our wonderful daughter. Because of circumstances totally out of my control we did not see or hear from her for over 6 months at one point. And then in frequently after that for another 9 months. I did not know where she lived. I knew the address and location but I was never allowed to come over.
Like Iris I was empty. I was sad. I cried and I prayed. And I prayed and I cried.
I asked God to take away the saddness and just let me have peace. And there were times that he did give me so peace.
I clung to Psalms 34:18 The Lord is close to the broken hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. My heart was broken. My spirit was crushed. And I began to loose faith. You see all this heart ache and saddness was brought on by a conflict within our ministry.
And so I began having to cling to this verse 2 Corinthians 5:7 Live by faith not by sight. I knew in my head that God had a plan and that things would eventually work out. In his timing. But my heart was broken.
Finally afte way longer than I wanted today things are totally back to normal.
And today I am thankful that I see my daughter or talk to her almost everyday.
I even get to babysit the grandbaby.

And starting this week they have gotten into a good routine and she is bringing the baby to my house instead of me going there. So that is a huge thank you God. I can keep the baby and get things done here at home too.

I am also thankful for the friends that I have found through blogging. Friends like Iris,Kelli,Debra,Sandra and many more I wrote about all of them on my Wednesday post.

I am very thankful that last week God provided provision for us through an award that the ministry received. So this week all our bills are paid through November and I have t.v. and inter-net and phone. I could almost do without the t.v. but it is a package deal. And well there are a few shows I like to watch.

I am very thankful and Blessed that God allows me to work in ministry.

I am thankful that God opened doors and provided a new program that begins tomorrow. We will be working at our local food bank with the girls from our Halfway House program.

I am thankful that the weather is beautiful outside and that fall is here. I think it is my favorite season. Living in Texas some of the other seasons are rather extreme.

And I am thankful too that God is patient with me.

And one last thing. I am thankful for my new grandson. That is presently peacefully sleeping! I am off to try and pull some lunch together. Here is a photo collage of just the sweetest baby. At least in my world.

I hope that you enjoyed my Thankful list. And I hope that you have a Blessed Day.
Please come back and visit and don't forget to check out my Wednesday post and pass on the button to your friends.


  1. What a sweet post! I just want to kiss those precious little cheeks on your grandbaby!

    Have a blessed weekend.

  2. I'll take some sweet tea along with those chubby grandson cheeks!

  3. What a beautiful thankful heart you have! What precious pics!

    Blessings to you today, sweet sister!

  4. I enjoyed you thankful thoughts. By the way, your gradnson is adorable!!!!!!

  5. Thanks for visiting my blog! That is a REALLY cute baby! I bet he is just a joy to hold!

  6. Blessings Sherry, I do not have my internet up to par yet, so I'm at
    my nearby "pay" public cyber hoping to catch up with all the sweet comments. I love your thankful heart & your minstry service! I caught some of it here & before, and can see it comes from the heart of your daughter experience, and wanting to serve others to have a chance to make their life work & blessed by God! I'm so glad you have a happy ending and it couldn't be finer than that beautiful baby & quite the skill in doing the collages! Thanks for blessing me but I didn't have time now. I love this new look & our friendship! Don't know when I'll be able to work again out of home, so I know what you're saying about being at home, watching baby & able to do other stuff & God bless that you received that extra $ to meet bills. I thank God for your mission, please come and link up one of these on Mission4Monday.
    May your new meme be blessed!
    Thanks for your visit & words!

  7. Sherry,

    What a great list and beautiful baby pics.

    Thanks for sharing!

  8. oh what a gorgeous little baby! i wanna just smooooooooooooooochie him! lol

  9. What a precious and heart-felt post. Rejoicing with you in what God has done...what a great list of blessings. Your grandbaby sure is a heart melter! Thanks for the invitation to stop on by!

    Happy Friday,

  10. Hi, I popped over from the comment you left on my blog. I love love love your blog! And the pics of that sweet baby -- we haven't had any babies in our family now for 10 years, I need some chubby baby cheeks to kiss! I'll definitely come back to visit!

  11. What a precious grandson you have! Isn't it fun to be a grandmother?


Thank you for visiting. I love your comments!