
Thursday, September 18, 2008

Thankful Thursdays thinking of Truth

Iris at Sting My Heartthe wonderful Thankful Thursday host was thinking about truth and shared this verse.

“So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed in him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” ~ John 8:31-32

So today thinking of truth here's my thankful list.

I am thankful for the truth in God's word. That he provides us evidence of himself and his son.

I am thankful for the yearning that he places in my heart to know him more and to be what he wants me to be.

I am thankful for God's extreme patience with me. Aren't you? I mean wow. I am such a dummy sometime. Most of the time. I look around at all that he has given me/us. And I see his faithfulness. Yet I worry. I worry about how we will pay our bills and continue in ministry. And yet I know that God will provide. I have to do my part. Do my job. Not fear. And not worry.

I am thankful that when I am so confused and worried and I don't know how to pray that God provides the Holy Spirit who in our weakness when we don't know how to pray that he intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will.

I am thankful that God gives us encouragement from our brothers and sisters in Christ. I am thankful for my Sunday School class and our friends that when we least expect it call or email and check to see how we are and ask about the ministry.

I am thankful for my friends new and old in blog land. I am thankful for sweet Debra and your words of encouragement. And I am thankful for Nancie. You always leave a kind word for me and everyone else. And for Peggy who always encourages and
just sends God's love to us all. All of you guys encouraged me yesterday. Thanks for your sweet spirits.

I am thankful for my family. And mostly I am thankful that God has answered my prayers and brought sunshine back into my life. There was a time that personally I was depressed because of a loss. I prayed and cried and prayed and cried. I asked God to change the things that were going on. I waited daily for something. For just a morsel to see that change was coming. It took almost two years but God answered my prayer and I and thankful. I see sunshine everyday now. I am Blessed.

And since I end this post with a smile and thinking of sunshine I will leave you with a photo that I hope makes you smile.


  1. Beautiful beautiful!! I loved your list... so many many things to be thankful for isn't there??

    My favorite flower too!!

    Bless today!


  2. What a beautiful thankful, truthful post! I enjoyed it so much! Blessings to you today, sweet sister!

  3. What a beautiful thankful, truthful post! I enjoyed it so much! Blessings to you today, sweet sister!

  4. Oh, yes. Definitely thankful for His graceful patience!

  5. I felt the warmth of the sunshine radiate from your post! Have a blessed weekend.

    PS - I have a prayer update on Shortybear - Denise if you'd like to know what's going on with her and why she hasn't been around all week.


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