
Monday, September 22, 2008

Tacklin' Life on Tuesday

Post originally writen Monday night....this verse was in my inbox this morning. I had to add it. It fits.

The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still. Exodus 14:14

But as for me, it is good to be near God.
I have made the Sovereign Lord my refuge;
I will tell of all your deeds. Psalms 73:28

How many things do you need to tackle today? If I were to sit down and write down all the things that need to be done. Things around the house . . . laundry, cleaning the kitchen, vacuuming. The list goes on and on. And in my case there is a ministry that needs . . . financial stability, volunteers and office work, mentoring.

As I think of all I need to do and as I try really hard to make time to sit down and talk to God and ask him what I need to do today. What is his plan. I have to stop and realize that sometimes I get so absorbed with family, life, ministry. I get so into what is good that I sacrifice the best

I have a huge list of good things to do. But do I sacrifice God in my attempt at being and doing good? Do I put God in a box of all the good things I am doing and sacrifice really sitting and talking and listening to what he wants me to do?

Possibly an even bigger list of things that I need to do. Things that I need to tackle. But I realize too that I have a huge desire to please God and to know what he wants me to do today, tomorrow and next week.

And so I sit, I wait and I ask God to show me his plan, to direct my steps; today, tomorrow and next week.

Today with God's help I will tackle today,tomorrow and next week.


  1. A very interesting perspective.
    Best wishes

  2. Great thought. It is hard to wait sometimes. I hope you will take a look at my tackle.

  3. We often forget that though we have all of these grandiose plans we do not follow God's plans. I like your thoughts!

    Thank you for visiting me!

    Have a blessed day!


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