
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tackle it Tuesday A New Project

Rachel at Home Sanctuary has an amazing daily meme. Go over and check it out. Everyday she suggests just a small simple thing to do around the house to make our homes a sanctuary. Each month she chooses a verse a month and does a beautiful illustration. And each one has a wonderful post and application go over and check out her amazing blog.

For my Tackle it Tuesday project I am working on something that will bring my family closer together while we come closer to God.

A week or so ago I started a family blog called Texas Grandpa and the boys. My cowboy had been wanting to share some old hunting photo's with our 7 year old grandson that lives in Missouri. He didn't know how to scan and import the photo's so it was my job to do that so he could email them. Well as I was scanning I thought why not start a blog. So I did and surprised them all. They loved it.

Then a few days later I was going to church with my daughter. I go with her on Saturday night then on Sunday go to my church. (That's another story I'll share another time) anyway she was talking about a good friend that she has been witnessing to for about 4 years. The friend is now going to church almost every week with us. But as far as we know she hasn't accepted Christ. My daughter mentioned her frustration in trying to talk to her friend; and she realized that she didn't have a lot of scripture memorized. Nor can she recite the books of the Bible. She was amazed to realize this. She has been to church since she was in the bed babies. She went to a Christian private school. But she realized that she had not hidden God's word in her heart.

This got me to thinking. I had come to the same realization a year or so ago. You know you have those verse tumbling around in your head that you learned as a child but don't know where they are? So as a personal challenge I began to re-memorize scripture and also learn new scripture. Although I haven't been consistant with it I do have more of God's word hidden in heart now.

Then the other night I was reading some blogs and I actually don't even know where I read it but this writer was talking about thier family choosing a verse a week based on the alphabet. She is a homeschooler and was doing it this way to reinforce the aplhabet. I thought wow what a cool idea. We could choose verses put them on our blog and then as a family memorize them. I don't think that right now my family is in a position to do a verse a week but I am praying that we can get some of God's word buried in our hearts.

Today I am praying and just trying to be still and allow God to speak to me. I am tackling reading the Tuesdays posts and finish the Monday day book entries. And I am asking God to direct me to the verse he wants me to share with my family.

And I am looking for fun creative ways to learn and memorize. Like spelling the words out in scrabble tiles. Or making lovely scrapbook layouts.
If you have any ideas please share them with me.

And please pray for our family as we grow together.

Have a great Tuesday tackling your projects.


  1. What a great tackle! In this day and age of hustle and bustle, it is a good goal to bring the family closer together:-)

  2. What a wonderful idea! The girls are working on memorizing Psalm 103!

  3. What a great idea, Sherry!!!!


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