
Monday, September 29, 2008

The Simple Womans Daybook

For Today...

Outside my Window...Bright sunshine. I love to wake up in the morning and just thank God for anoter beautiful day. I love to see the sun up. I don't think it is morning if the sun is not shinning. You early morning ladies are better woman than I! LOL

I am thinking...I have a million things that I wish to get done today but I have a smile on my face because the sun is shinning and some of the things I want to do are getting done.

From the learning rooms...Still working on the family blog. We are all in agreement on doing the Bible memory together. Our daughter even suggested a weekly three way call so we can all recite to each other. It makes me smile to see thier enthusiasm. Our son the intellectual one wanted to know if the blog allowed comments so he could write a commentary. I had to slow him down a little and tell him to focus on his sons learning first then once we are all doing well with the memory verses we can dig deeper!

I am thankful for...the provision that God provided last week for us and the ministry. And for the new freezer that was donated to the ministry and for the meat and vegtables donated to us!

From the kitchen...not ground venison. That is all we have been having because that
was all that there was in the freezer but we had chicken last night and brocolli.
God provided.

I am wearing...the denim shorts I mentioned a couple of weeks ago. Mine are frayed on the hem too. How does that happen on a pair of shorts? But they are comfy especially since I can wear them again. A red thin t-shirt that I wear when it is hot and brown Clarks slides that I wear around the house and outside which I shouldn't but they need to be polished anyway.

I am reading...research material for the ministry

I am hoping...that our daughter can find God's solution to her job search. I am also praying about this because none of us really know God's plan here. Basically it affects us all since I keep the baby.

I am online fabric shop. I missed my goal of opening today but hopefully by the end of the week. The distraction...I was recruited to sew a curtain for the babies room. At least I created something. Hopeful to post pic's soon.

I am hearing...the dishwasher and a bird outside. I love living in the country.
Last night we listened to someone doing target practise. Cowboy loved it. Men are weird.

Around the house...still organizing and moving furniture. Just about the time we got settled in new (to us) furniture arrives. We got the crib a couple of weeks ago so had to re-arrange. Then last week an old friend gave them a desk and shelf. And when we went to pick up found out there were two desks. So both came home. I can't wait till they buy a house! They plan to move in March so I'll be moving things around again.

One of my favorite things...Cowboy left a few minutes ago to do a bunch of errands that will last most of the day. I love being in the house alone. I seem to get more done. A busy day I will have!

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...Meetings and working. We are busy with our fall ministry programs. And making plans and working on budgets etc. for 2009 programs. God continues to affirm this work. I pray for patience and strength to get through the rough parts.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...

We received this award last week from Peggy
I wrote all about it on my Sunday post check it out!

Have a great Simple week.


  1. You seem to be having a very productive week. I really appreciate your visit to my blog. I so enjoy scrapbook journaling. I will share more pictures soon.

    Have a blessed and prosperous week.

  2. Still excited about your online fabric shop! Thanks for posting this at my carnival!

  3. I love the sunshine, too! When it is raining and gloomy, I kinda go with the mood of gloomy. Ugh! I get up early, but had to make it a habit as I am not a morning person. LOL!

    Praise God for wanting to do Bible memory. :D

    Wow, praise God for His provision! WHat a blessing!

    You sound like you have a busy week ahead of you.

    Have a blessed day and thank you for coming by my blog! :D

  4. Enjoyed reading your daybook :)

    Sounds like you have a busy week :)

  5. I hope you have a wonderful and blessed week! Congratulations on your fun!


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