
Sunday, September 7, 2008

Daisy's new friend Maggie

Daisy has put out the Welcome mat and is inviting everyone in today to meet her
new friend Maggie. Maggie lives with her mom Kim in a wonderful little cottage that they call Daisy Cottage. My mom loves to visit thier blog and while she was there we got to meet Maggie.

Here is a picture of Maggie.

I just know she would be a great playmate. I would love to go and visit but my mom says they live to far away.
Maggie is a girly kind of girl. Here's another photo of her.

There are more pictures of her on her mom's blog. She wrote about Maggie's pretty pearls on August 24th so go over and see some pretty pictures.

I wonder how I would look in pearls. But they would get dirty when I got outside to take care of the horses!

I hope you enjoyed meeting Maggie. And come back and visit on Thursday because mom has some new photo's of me to show everyone.

Mom says for everyone to have a Blessed week.


  1. Hi Daisy, Maggie is a sweetie! And she sure looked pretty with the pearls!

    Wags and licks,

  2. Oh my, Maggie is soooo cute!!!

    Have a blessed week,

    ps...were you going to post your TEA PARTY today and join us? Please let me know.


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