
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Tackle it Tuesday/passing on the Joy

Before I tackle my Tuesday project (see the button on the sidebar) I have a gift for a special person. On Sunday I wrote about how God uses people in our lives to show us his love. It is my prayer that I do that everyday in our ministry.
But on a personal note I want to share Joy this week with some people that have been a Blessing to me. And today since I learned about Tackling Tuesday from Amy.
I give the gift of Joy to Amy Dean at
The cool thing is she has her own website now. Please go and visit her.
I originally found Amy through her Word Filled Wednesday which is amazing.
She has graciously allowed me to use her work by allowing us to print her scripture illustrations and pass them on to our clients. This is one way we show them that God loves them. And hopefully we pass Joy on to them.
Thank you Amy for all the Joy you have given me. Here's my gift to you.

And now my tackling Tuesday project:
I still don't have photo's but I know this project most of you can imagine. I am finally tackling the sewing room. I know some of you guys do that periodically and just clean and organize and touch, and ohh and ahh over your fabric and press and refold. And I do that too on ocassion. Actually I do the ohhing and ahhing frequently. I love fabric. But anyway my project is to get it all out of boxes and onto shelves so I can enjoy looking at it and hopefully someday soon sew some of it up into marvelous treasures to enjoy and share.
So I am off to tackle the mountain of boxes in the sewing room and hopefully by the end of the day I'll have it finished and ready to enjoy. My sewing room gives me Joy.

Please pass on the Joy today. Amy I hope you have a Blessed Day.
p.s. Come back tomorrow and see who I'll be passing the Joy to.


  1. awww thanks Sherry! You are a joy my friend as well!

  2. That sounds like an enjoyable tackle!


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