
Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Let's Play Tag

What a sweet comment I found the other day. I was tagged!
I have never been tagged before so I am sending a thank you to Joy@joy of desserts.
She has the sweetest blog about desserts. And after going over and reading I decided she will be a close friend! We have much in common.
So thanks again Joy. Here's the deal about the tag I am to write a 6 word Memoir.
This was hard but here goes:

. . . Mom/Grandma/Nana

. . . Princess (a child of God)

. . . Loud (I tend to say much and usually loudly)

. . . Happy (I love life)

. . . Fixer (I want to fix everything not things situations)

. . . Lover (don't laugh I love people)

Whew no that is over here's the 5 friends that I want to tag. (I sure hope I do this right)

First of Sharon over at I love her posts and especially the music. It seems when I read her blog the songs she has put up either Bless me or make me smile! (update to this post Sharon is a stinker. Go see her post today)

Next. Tara she writes at I found her when she was getting her house ready to sell and she was redoing rooms. She has some wonderful decorating ideas. And she sold the house and now she has all these boxes in her posts!

Of course Kelli at Theresnotplacelikehome. She is our wonderful Show and Tell hostess and just the best mom. The best decorator. And know she is doing a lot in her beautiful gardens. Whew she makes me tired.

There is this new sista' I met over at she has the neatest vintage aprons and she writes about a different one everyday. Reall cool.

Then there is Connie I met her through Show and Tell. Connie is a neighbor of mine she lives in the next big town North of me.
Go and see her at

And last but not least because these are in no particular order there is
Angry Chicken. I love to visit her blog. She is a wonderful mom and she sews her daughters cloths and she cooks and bakes. She has an adorable blog. Don't know where she got the name. Maybe if she plays along she will let us know.
Here's how to find her

So there's my list and here's the rules
Write your own six-word memoir;
Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you’d like;
Link to the person who tagged you in your post;
Tag five more blogs with links;
Remember to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play.

Opp's can I tag 7 (I told you this is the easy part) I must tag my first blog friend
Amy she is at the She does an awesome Wordfilled Wednesday look at my sidebar and see some of her work. You'll love Amy's blog.

Okey Dokey see you all later.

So now I am going over to my friends and let them know that it is time to play.


  1. Thanks for the tag! I will get it done when we return home after errands.

    Your blog is so sweet, I just love the warmth and love of our Saviour you exude! Thank you for that :).

  2. Hi,

    Come on over to The Empty Nest. I have something for you!

  3. Oh tagged me! Okay I'll do it, but probably not til the weekend.

    Sorry I was a stinker.........NOT!

    Heee heee!


  4. oh well! I'll have to think about this lol.. I'm horrible at the tag games! but thanks for including me! :)

  5. Thanks for tagging me. Will answer in Friday's show & tell post.

    For your daily dose of vintage goodness & silliness, stop by Confession of an Apron Queen, the home of Vintage Thingies Thursdays.


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