
Friday, March 28, 2008

Friday Show and Tell

Welcome again to Show and Tell. Everyone I visited last week mentioned how much they missed it. But we were all glad Kelli took the time to spend with family.
My Show and Tell this week is a bit of an assortment of collections,and more photo's of decorating in my home. First is a photo I started to share when I showed the Horse theme bathroom. I didn't show it because I didn't like the way it turned out. I'll explain . . here it is first.
I bought these on ebay. They are not old but someone did some really nice embriodery on them. They have been used in the kitchen and now hang in the horse bathroom. Notice the dingy look. That is bio-freeze or ben gay or something that Cowboy rubbed into his knee.(the horse bathroom is right next to the den where he spent his time recuperating after knee replacement in January.)
I was embarrased to show them when I showed the rest of the bathroom. Now you wonder why did she decide to show them now. Well here's why . . .

These are lovely hand made towels that I received all the way from Germany. I joined the Sassy apron swap and got these as a bonus.
I love to collect towels. Usually I collect vintage ones and have a huge pile of them that I try really hard not to let Cowboy get a hold of. Now you know why.
He promised me he would not touch the new ones. I think they are adorable and they match this
My new apron that I can wear (but mostly just look at) I also love aprons they don't have to be vintage. Check out my Spring Decorations Show and Tell to see another one of my aprons.
I hope that you enjoyed seeing my collections and hearing my stories. If you have any ideas to help me rein in that Cowboy let me know. He is the worlds worst at spilling tomato sauce on a counter and his hand just goes directly to the whitest towel in the drawer. He will pass right over a red plaid everytime!
But he has promised to do better and I won't let him touch the new towels!
Have a Blessed Friday and a wonderful weekend.


  1. Oh! A girl after my own heart! I love the embroidered towel! I have to shoo my family away from the good ones too! I do use a lot of my vintage items, but some are too nice to use & I just can't bring myself to do it!

    Confessions of an Apron Queen:

  2. Your horse towels are lovely. What beautiful needlework!

    I love aprons too but it is so hard to wear the pretty ones. I don't want to spoil them! :)

  3. It is a bit of a problem, my kids get clean towels out of the drawer to clean up with when they spill (despite my efforts to educate them!) My friend, the Laundry Queen, says to use dishwashing soap on tomato based stains, FYI! Don'thave any ideas about the ben-gay, though.

  4. I can relate! I have a Hub who puts his dirty shoes on the bed on top of my quilt which was made by my best friend! So far, dirty looks and growling haven't communicated my displeasure with this practice! Maybe you can stitch some really great horsey or western fabric to the towel, covering up the stain. My hubby wipes spills off the floor with the kitchen dishrags and towels rather than using a throw away paper towel.GGGRRR!!! What is up with that?

  5. I know someone really close to me in heart would LOVE to have horses in HER bathroom too!!!

    Mine's shared, I hope, if you haven't already, you can find time to stop by for a visit.

  6. It is hard to keep nice towels clean. I live with all males and you're right, they don't seem to know the difference -- a dish towel is a dish towel, made to clean up things with, LOL!!

    You could maybe cut out the embroidered section and sew it onto another towel (something with a pattern in the same colors).

    Barbara H. @ Stray Thoughts

  7. Great show & tell! Hope you stop
    by and say HI! Jewelgirl

  8. It's hard to keep towels nice with cowboys or, in my case, fishermen, around. But we try. I've enjoyed looking around your blog. Love Rhett Butler!

  9. I just love your hors towels! Very unique!
    I've noticed aprons are getting pretty popular lately...I think I'm going to buy myself one. I love yours!


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