
Friday, February 15, 2008

Show and Tell

For my show and tell this morning I am showing my two Valentines. I hope you enjoyed the Valentines Day Party here at the blog and maybe met some new people. Today meet my Valentines my husband (he's the one in tan) and my dog Daisy; (she's is the one say "grr") They are playing here.

This is one of the most recent after Daisy got a haircut. We took her this place where you can bath and cut your dog yourself. It wasn't a great haircut but cheap and boy has it cut down on the dog hair on the carpet. She had a really long pretty coat but everyone likes her better now with her short hair cut! Notice the off whiteish/tan carpet. Well I used to vacuum everyday because it had black dog hair all over it. Now I only have to vacuum every other day. We also have a black cat. What was I thinking?

This last photo is Daisy sitting "up".(sorry I am editing and noticed it isn't turned right. I'll fix it later but I have to take care of the horses first) My husband kept telling me I couldn't teach an old dog a trick. (she is 4) She sits "up" like a little dog. And has learned when company comes to sit in the living room politely till they come in and then she sits "up" and then she shakes your hand.

I will be adding more photo's of hubby and Daisy soon so please check back and see some of them and also the story of how we got Daisy.
I'll tease you with a verse that paraphrases says something close to "God hates divorce".

I hope you enjoy my show and tell today and come back over the weekend and read about Daisy's story.
Oh and don't forget to go over at visit Kelli's show and tell. Her button is in the side bar.


  1. Great show 'n tell! Love the dog- great blog. Very Christ-centered. Love it *U*

  2. It was fun to read about your Valentines!

  3. :) They're lovely Valentines. :)
    Your party was a lot of fun!! Thanks so much for sharing everything. I loved the Valentines you gave to the girls you showed yesterday.
    Have a blessed day!! :)

  4. hmm, hope you are not equating the husband and the dog lol. At least you put your hubby first, eh?

  5. I think your Daisy is related, maybe a cousin, to my grand-pup ROCKY!! Go visit my blog from Feb 13th of my grand-daughters and their best friends! Thanks for sharing something near and dear to your heart!

  6. I have a cat named Daisy.
    I hope your Valentines Day
    was nice!

  7. Cute pictures! Thanks for sharing.


    Sarah x

  8. There is hope for "old dogs" isn't there?
    I enjoyed seeing your very own Valentine's.

  9. What cute pictures of your Valentines!


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