
Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Be Mine . . . Party con't.

This just look so yummy and sweet. Hurry on over to and see the rest of this post she includes the recipe and more photo's of these sweet cookies. She also has some earlier posts with other Valentines Day ideas.

This is going to be a short post because I have a million things to do but I did not want to you guys to miss the party.

On my Sunday post I mentioned memorizing scripture and I'll try to write more about that later and what is going on with me. Thinks are brighter today. I mention Sundays post because this is the scripture or at least part of it that comes to mind today.
My God shall supply all my needs according to his riches in glory

I don't remember the reference this is all that popped into my mind. I hope you all have a Blessed Day.

p.s. I saw this cool giveway over at She is starting her own web building business and is giving away a Blog makeover. Go over and visit her site and sign up. See her cute button on my sidebar. Good luck

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