
Friday, July 2, 2021

Foodie Friday- The Rustic Dinner Plate and Strolling Around Galveston

Wow! What a week we had! 

I blinked and it was Friday!  I kind of have to stop and think about what we did all week.  It just flew by!  

We did have some fun though.  I am going to try and insert some fun photos between our Rustic Dinner Plates! 

And . . . Drum Roll please . . . 

I am feeling silly this morning! 

. . . On the Dinner Plates 

Y'all remember I have had Kielbasa, Cabbage and Fried Potatoes on the menu for a couple weeks.  Well I finally managed it.  Except no Fried Potatoes!  Darn I am cravin' those Potatoes! 

I have been trying to eat every morning even if the Cowboy  doesn't.  I find I get hungry and dehydrated in the afternoon.  
These Eggs were a bit runny but I poured the Yolk in the dogs dishes. They ate 'em up! 

Monday night Pizza night.  The Cowboy picked this time.  Ham and Pineapple.  I ordered some Fries they were not hot.  We were disappointed. 

We liked the Ham and Pineapple for a change.  
After dinner we strolled The Strand a bit . . .
I shared this shot on my Happy Homemaker in Texas post.  This is the step going into the Pizza place. 

Such cool things to photo.  An event venue called Trumpets. 

I need to take a closer picture. The door is really cool.  I am not sure what this place is.  

The Cowboy saw a recipe for Chicken and Dumplings on t.v. and wanted to try.  He went to the store and got what we needed and cooked it.  
I watched with my feet up!  
And bit my tongue and said a few prayers.  

And then we popped it into the oven and went to the ⛱️ beach . . .
There are several cool benches along the Seawall . . .

These are children's drawings.  I love the inlay shells.  

We sat our chairs right beside the bench and watched the waves and the rides over on the pier. 

I planned on Stew from leftover Roast.  But when we bought two Roasts last week I was too tired to repackage be them.  So when I thawed them last week I had one still in the fridge.  I needed to get it cooked.   

On Thursday the Cowboy had a heart test.  This was the view I had from the waiting room  . . . 
Cool shot from the window . . .

The entire modern hospital is built around this mansion! 

While I waited I looked up information about the ferry.  It is only a couple blocks from the hospital so we decided to check it out . . .

The Ferry takes you on a short 18 minute ride to Bolivar Peninsula.
We ate dinner here . . . 
We never pass up a chance to eat Tex Mex or Seafood.  They have both. 

We chose Nachos . . . 

We ate every bite and we were stuffed!  We plan to go back soon and try the Seafood.  

I guess it really is was a busy week.
Being busy and having fun sure makes the week fly by. 

I hope you had a fun week. 

See you next Friday for more Foodie adventures on Galveston Island 

Until then  Sparkle On



  1. And now you've made me hungry for nachos. I've never had ham and pineapple pizza and I've wondered how it would look. I wish I could reach through the computer screen and help myself to a slice!

  2. Always love a good Nacho. The Pizza was good. Pineapple is good for you. I think. Anyway better than Pepperoni 🍕 but Pepperoni is better.


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